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joshua 74
02-27-2011, 09:27 PM
My pain in the bum pair. About 10 months ago I bout a confirmed pair of a domestic wild blue( male) and a cobalt blue (female) so far I haven’t had a single spawn get past 2 free swimmers.

How do I know there discus are about to spawn.
Male beats the ----- out of the female
How long will there eggs.
last 3 to 4min.

I have tried taking the male away after the spawn she devoured the eggs 3 days after.

I left the male in there I turn my back and bang -_- gone.

So I think ok ok I take both away and bout egg creat to split them from the cone fungus takes over 2 free swimmers make it to female dad eats them.

Last week I tried gutter guard around the cone I go to bed wake up about one in the morning male beaten female up she cannot hold herself up and he is stuck in-between gutter guard and cone no eggs. I split the tank wc every day 50% salt and stress coat.
End of story I need new ideas before I sell there to and buy a pair that are not nuts.

02-27-2011, 09:41 PM
Steel the eggs and use methylene blue for the fungus. 5-10 gal tank, some movement in the water. and sun.

Good luck. Daveo

02-27-2011, 09:42 PM
most cases that discus are abusive do not end up well in the sense of the pair producing fry..you can put an eggcrate divider in and let work it out for allittle bit..remove the divider when things look good and if not,then put the divider back in..you will find your threshold of BS you are willing to put up with ...From my experiences it was not worth the time to watse hope on them getting along and producing fry ..you may have better luck than me...I ended up putting the abusive mate in the community tank and sold him eventually,,with the preconcept of the fishes attitude to the future owner..

02-27-2011, 10:14 PM
do what daveo said. It's alot of work but worth it in the end.

02-27-2011, 10:18 PM
I would seperate them for a few weeks and then place the abusive male into the females tank. MB for the fungus and screen the eggs.

joshua 74
02-28-2011, 08:31 AM
sorry i haven't explained myself right there are great discus when there not about to breed they swim together playful puppy's in water but as soon as it comes time to breed he just goes nuts. i moved them into a bigger 4 foot tank hoping that this would give her some room 2 get away but no thats when he beat her to almost death.

William Palumbo
02-28-2011, 09:18 AM
If in a 4ft tank now, try adding another Discus in there to strengthen the bond between the pair, but keep an eye on the 3rd fish so he is not beaten up...can even keep the 3rd fish divided with egg crate so they can only see him. You have more patience than me. If the 4ft tank don'e work, I'd sell them...Bill

02-28-2011, 06:27 PM
I left the male in there I turn my back and bang -_- gone.


Did you remove the female?

02-28-2011, 08:03 PM
sorry i haven't explained myself right there are great discus when there not about to breed they swim together playful puppy's in water but as soon as it comes time to breed he just goes nuts

Thats not uncommon. I have a male that I tried to pair up with several different females and always the same result. Breeding time and he beats the crap out of the female. Like you, I once came downstairs to find the female in bad shape. Barely recovered. I would try Bill's scheme. It may change the dynamics... but maybe he just mean as hell like mine and not meant to breed:).

02-28-2011, 08:16 PM
You're making it harder than it needs to be. Once they spawn, remove the parent that spends the least amount of time caring for the eggs. Screen the eggs and add an anti-fungus agent (I use formalin) right away. That should take care of the problems you've had so far.

joshua 74
03-02-2011, 01:53 AM
im shore the fungus only took hold because there where no discus watching the eggs im probably going move them into a display tank. i have 2 blue diamonds that look like they are going to start breeding soon. i have my eye on a pair of tefi greens but they are very pricey.

03-08-2011, 08:45 PM
Just leave them to work themselves. Slowly they will do better.