View Full Version : Is this a good plan for keeping discus alive while on vacation?

03-08-2011, 11:56 AM
I did a search and found some other threads about what to do while on vacation but advice was conflicting at times so...I just wanted to put my plan here and see if people think it'll work. I've never done this before, as this is our first vacation since getting our tank a few months ago.

We have 6 discus, about 4 to 4.5 inches each.

1. Feed heavily in the couple days leading up to leaving.
2. Big WC the night before leaving. 70% or more.
3. Buy an autofeeder and use that to feed while we're away.
4. Upon returning, pray that the heater or filter didn't go out. Then do a big WC again.

Is it that simple? I've never used an autofeeder...I know flake will work in them but that isn't their favorite food....do freeze dried bloodworms work as well?? Can I do a mix in there??

I know some people have said they can be starved for a while but...I'd really rather not. I may just set it up so they eat somewhat lightly....

03-08-2011, 12:02 PM
How long are you going away for? Discus in the wild go for weeks/months without eating. I dont take the risk of using an autofeeder when Im gone, they just dont eat when Im gone away, just like in nature, somtimes the food just isnt there. Been doing it this way for 12 years when going on holidays, never had any problems.

03-08-2011, 12:17 PM
Unless you are going to be gone more than 10 days the best bet is to stop feeding 24 hours before you leave. Do a large WC right before you leave. Go enjoy your vacation and upon your return do a large WC and start feeding.


Keith Perkins
03-08-2011, 12:26 PM
+1 I just got back from 5 days in CA without any food for adult discus and they were all just fine. I set up a lamp on a timer to attempt simulate when I normally turned their tank lights on and off.

Second Hand Pat
03-08-2011, 12:38 PM
Unless you are going to be gone more than 10 days the best bet is to stop feeding 24 hours before you leave. Do a large WC right before you leave. Go enjoy your vacation and upon your return do a large WC and start feeding.


I am going to a wedding this weekend and this is my plan. Be gone about 48 hours.

03-08-2011, 01:50 PM
We'll be gone about 8 days. Is this safe for our other fish though?? We have some German Blue Rams, rainbows and cory cats. Can they really go that long too without eating?

03-08-2011, 02:03 PM
It will not hurt a thing.


03-08-2011, 02:15 PM
My only concern is that this is a relatively new setup and you just got the discus. I would still follow John's suggestion and enjoy your vacation. Fish you can replace. Your vacation..you can't.


Darrell Ward
03-08-2011, 02:58 PM
I agree. Feed 24 hours before you leave. Large water change before leaving. No feeding while away. Large water change when you return, and begin feeding. The reason you don't feed while away, is the the water will stay much cleaner. Fish can go months without eating, a lot longer than humans. Enjoy your vacation.

03-08-2011, 03:12 PM
4. Upon returning, pray that the heater or filter didn't go out. Then do a big WC again.

This is why a lot of people keep two heaters. Helps to maintain stable temperatures and keeps the temperature across the tank even. That would be my biggest concern especially around the winter/early-spring. Fish can go quite a while without food but probably wouldn't be good for tropical fish to have water temps drop to 50-60 (or worse) for a week. I think if I were to turn off the heat right now, the house would probably settle around that given the outside temps unless I leave the furnace on (which is way costlier over 8 days to heat the entire house than buy a cheap heater). Based on my heating bill, to heat the hoouse costs about $40/week.

03-08-2011, 09:05 PM
Do not feed when you r out. Longest I tried is 18 days. Bad water parameters kills your fish faster than no food