View Full Version : Fry grew very slow and die one by one

03-20-2011, 03:57 AM
Last month I have 22 fry. The parent eat nothing just look after the babies in the first week. At the second week when fry bigger, there were 1 or 2 fry die everyday even I made a water change (exactly water paramater/temp). I started to feeded the fry with baby shrimp. At the fourth week, about 26 old day , the babies look still small (compared with the pictures and videos from this forum). Yes I moved 5 babies to another tank and feeded with baby shrimp and Hikari first bited (super nutritional balance). Water change 1/3 everyday. Feeded in the morning and after work. After 8 days, all babies gone day by day. So I lost all without any reason. The study must be continue. I think got the fry is just the firstr lesson, the second lesson is more important and more serious than the previous lesson. All brothers and sisters please share your knowledge. Regards.