View Full Version : Discus Breeding (sick)

03-20-2011, 12:44 PM
Hi All,

We're very new to discus. Odd breeding pair breeding when sick.

We have a 200G planted tank. Recently our new Discus bred. They were only in the tank for a week. The batch didn't get fertilizaed or didn't live. We added a few Discus to the tank (Big Mistake) many of the discus got sick. We lost a few and the 7 inch Male in the breeding pair got really sick. We're down to 3 in the tank. The male was showing signs of sickness as recently as yesterday. He was isolating from all but the female, dark in color, inside gills white and puffy, not eating, breathing heavy, darting, rubbing his body on stuff occasionally and losing slime coat 9it just flakes off). We've been treating the tank with PraziPro and Metro. We were told to switch to something to treat capalaria or round worms. But, we've not been able to find it. We have not seen him take food in over a week. We've done very regular water changes 20-50+ gallons every two days. Water parameters are all good (No Nitrite, ammo, low nitrate .25 and we use water conditioner reg with changes and to add slime coat.

Here's the odd thing. Yesterday the female laid eggs and the male furtilized them. Does this indicate that he's better? We're finding it very odd that he was so sick and he is actually breeding. Could the action of breeding have helped him?

Thanks in advance.
