View Full Version : Discus or angelfish?

03-25-2011, 10:55 AM
Hey people i have a 75 gallon fish tank and i want to put discus or angelfish but i cant decide witch. I know the angelfish are easier to keep (witch i like easier fish to keep) and i like that because i go on vacation allot for a week or more and i know discus are picky about their water and i wont be able to do water changes all the time and i dont want to come home with dead discus and would of lost all that money.And they are picky about the tempter to. And i have found some really pretty angelfish and discus for sale. So tell me your thoughts because i cant decide. Thanks

03-25-2011, 11:15 AM
Matt.. i think you answered your own aquestion.. ANGELFISH!..

03-25-2011, 05:53 PM
Ok. I think you have discus right? If you do how much work do you do in water changes and tempter wise for discus?

03-25-2011, 05:55 PM
Ok. I think you have discus right? If you do how much work do you do in water changes and tempter wise for discus?

matt.. in my 30 gallon.. i change out about 15g per day.. i drain the water.. then fill up one gallon at a time.. one i pour.. while other is filling up.. :) others have better systems of course.. but that is what i do :)

03-25-2011, 06:10 PM
Ok that sounds like a good way to do the water changes. :) I think ill be going to angelfish instead of discus sadly :( But its for the best because i go on vacation allot and i dont want any dead discus and would have lost all of that money... Plus you can find angelfish just as pretty as discus out there. I know i have. But thanks for all the help, and ill eventually go to discus but not yet. But thanks anyway

03-25-2011, 06:11 PM
I have a 60 gallon, I would say over the last 3 months I averaged 75% water changes every other day. Some times I go a few days without changing water, sometimes I got a week doing water changes every day. I started with 2 1/2" fish, they are now about 4 1/2" and happy as could be. I would say for you, Angels would be the correct choice. Discus are not an easy fish to keep, and if you aren't up for the challenge then it will be way more bad than good.

03-25-2011, 06:12 PM
matt.. in my 30 gallon.. i change out about 15g per day.. i drain the water.. then fill up one gallon at a time.. one i pour.. while other is filling up.. :) others have better systems of course.. but that is what i do :)

There is a waaay easier way to do water changes, it sounds like your going to have a hurt back very soon.

03-25-2011, 06:17 PM
I think it depends on a few things. Do you want to raise juvies? Do you want to keep a lot of discus? Do you want to eventually breed? Do you plan on adjusting the water to optimal parameters vs. straight tap?

Edited)*Everything listed above can be difficult to extremely difficult if you lack experience. I'd say you're better off with angels. I have a busy schedule and a lot of the little free time I have is devoted to working on my 180, which is a basic community tank with seven 5-6" discus (for now). I spend a lot of money on keeping it clean as well, not to mention feeding. If you're not sure you can keep it up, you and your would-be-fish are probably better off not meeting just yet.

I loved my angel tank when I was younger. I had the most beautiful platinum angels I have ever seen to this day. I'm actually in the process of looking for some to place into my discus tank. They're much easier to take care of, less shy and can be very eye pleasing as well.

Perhaps you might think about starting off with some basic angels as they can be found cheap anywhere and see how you like them. If you like them you could always upgrade, or blend them in with some discus once you build up the confidence to keep them. If you end up hating them, you can always give them away with little money invested in the angels.

Whatever you decide, I wish you good luck!

03-25-2011, 06:23 PM
Thanks anthony i am looking as some angelfish form angelfish usa like the Philippine smokey blue and the pinoy smokey. They are REALLY PRETTY! Best looking angelfish i have ever seen. And there allot easier so i think ill go with those. I already have one angelfish, he is a zebra angelfish. Thanks