View Full Version : Food from Ken?

03-29-2011, 01:29 PM
I would like to purchase some food from ken, the problem is that he has so many options that I don't know where to begin :confused: lol. Any flakes and pellets recommendations would be very helpful. I'm also going to place an order for some worms from Al, with all the rave about them I just have to check them out for myself :D

Thanks in advance

William Palumbo
03-29-2011, 02:17 PM
I use KENS PREMIUM SUPER BRINE SHRIMP FLAKE, but lately I noticed a change in the color of the flake, and because of that, it's staining my water...otherwise a great "economic" flake. Also KENS PREMIUM SUPER COLOR PELLET 1.0 MM... I use as well for a pellet...Bill

03-29-2011, 02:43 PM
thanks bill, its just so much to choose from lol

03-29-2011, 03:53 PM
He has a beefheart flake some people like very much.


03-29-2011, 06:55 PM
Go for something between 45-55% protein and 7-11% fat. According to two studies in Malaysia on Discus, they found that 50% was the sweet spot in protein and 9% was for fat. Too much or too little and it slows growth down.

I also use the Brine shrimp flakes and it discolors the water. Although they do eat it. I bought some pellets but the size I bought was too big. I do put the flakes in my BH mix too.

03-29-2011, 08:57 PM
I have used Ken's earthworm, brine shrimp, color & a couple other flakes I can't remember. My discus eat them all, I may try his angel flake next. My discus will eat pellets too but they need to soften up a bit first, earthworm & catfish & as I recall color bits, less popular with the roundfish but my guys aren't fussy.