View Full Version : Skip has Worms AND Levamisole... lets DANCE, Baby!

04-01-2011, 08:05 PM
Levamisole, do you feed during treatment..

OK.. so Levenor comes over to get some fish.. WELL>. he pointed out TINY LITTLE WHITE THINGS on my glass that would INCH'ing across the glass!!

i was like this...

so, question.. are those nematodes or planeria.. either way.. i am going to DOSE with Levamisole... pre measure from Joe Gargas, aquabid..

so, i dose for 24 hrs..
do i feed during this time?

then should i hit with prazipro also?

Happy Birthday to me!! thank Fish gods for giving worms!!! LOL!

04-01-2011, 08:11 PM
probably planeria....

04-01-2011, 08:16 PM
probably planeria....


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04-01-2011, 08:18 PM
The planeria are telling you to change more water and feed less.

Eddie Wells
04-01-2011, 08:19 PM
No wonder your so jumpy Skip, worms, I here they are more active at night !@!!! :)

Eddie Wells

04-01-2011, 08:20 PM
only if you scratch your..well, you know what...

Eddie Wells
04-01-2011, 08:22 PM
only if you scratch your..well, you know what...

Ha Ha That;s what I meant !!!!!

04-01-2011, 09:14 PM
Good luck bro..........

04-01-2011, 09:35 PM
No wonder your so jumpy Skip, worms, I here they are more active at night !@!!! :)

Eddie Wells

PIN WORMS!! i dont' have those.. i use to be a Bio teacher.. and showed my STUDENTS PICS on this.. HAAHA!.

04-01-2011, 09:40 PM
ok.. soo.. i need to cut back on their feeding. and maybe i should not them graze on their food anymore .. hmmmm.. can i just kill them.i don't like them. AT ALL :(

04-01-2011, 09:45 PM
Guys I've seen planaria in my tank and it looks a little fat and doesn't swim in the water, this looks small, thin and swims freely in the water, also in the glass it looks like a lot of little water fleas very small so skip can you place some pics so they can take a better look in identifying.

Also planaria is kill with Prazi-Pro not these.

04-01-2011, 11:03 PM
ok.. the things on my glass are not this large..


they are like thinner then strand of hair..

04-01-2011, 11:11 PM
Now that's planaria

04-02-2011, 04:55 AM
Oh my, I'm about to step out on my proverbial limb and post on this thread. <scratching head and wanting to run away>

Sooooooo, if I remember my biology classes correctly, the hairlike white worms you are seeing are detritus worms. They are annelids and there are several varieties of them. They congregate down in the substrate and you usually never see them. They're just happily hiding down there and munching away on the crud that filters down to them.

The only time you see them is if there's a whole lot of mulm that causes a population explosion (and hungry worms without enough to eat) and/or not enough oxygen in the substrate for them to survive down there. The cure is pretty simple. Heavy vacuuming and water changes.

The other type of worm, and the one that most people think they are seeing when they see detritus worms are actually Planaria. These guys are carnivorous flatworms and they'll hide amongst your plant leaves and scarf down small snails, shrimp and even fish eggs. They are pinkish in color and ewwwwww, they give me the willies!!!

I guess if you really hate the idea of detritus worms in your tank you could nuke em with a good nematode killer, but it's probably quicker and safer to just clean the gravel, change the water and not think about what you're sucking out of there. Any that remain will head right back to the substrate and you won't see them again. And they eat the crud, so they aren't ALL bad, right?


04-02-2011, 05:33 AM
Increase wc's, wipe inside of glass often. Planaria.

If you do want to use levamisole to make sure fish are clear of nematode worms, it will make the fish not want to eat. Wait to use any other meds for a week, so they get their apetite back. I have not used prazi pro. I use pure praziquantel for tapeworms. Usually I space those meds out for a week, then redose each again on separate weeks.
Make sure the tank is clean when using any meds.


04-02-2011, 01:16 PM
FYI for people posting...........It's kinda of hard to up the w/c's when he's doing daily w/c's everyday every since he's been into discus. Also he doesn't have substrate, period.

04-02-2011, 01:23 PM
What % are the wc's?
The more the better, if the ph is stable.
I change 75 to 90% every day.


04-02-2011, 01:40 PM
Try sodium chloride and magnesium sulfate. I had a worm problem and that did the trick. My theory is that salt dehydrates the worms and since epsom salt is a muscle relaxant, it disables the worms long enough for the fish to eat them or they succumb to other environmental pressures.

I noticed this effect when my pest snails (came from some plants I bought) suddenly disappeared after I adding the salts. The nerite snails were fine though (but they're brackish water snails anyway). I up'ed the epsom salt because of a bloated discus and I noticed nerite snails fell from the glass. At first I thought they were dead, but I was too lazy to remove them from the tank and two days later they were back to normal.

I then had a worm problem later... worm still unidentified. Instead of jumping into Levamisole or other de-wormer, I thought I would try something cheaper and have a lower impact on the other fish. So I wondered if I filled the tank with epsom salt (about 1.5-2 tablespoons per 10G) and 1.5-2 tablespoons of NaCl it would have adverse effects on worms. It did.

So give that shot. Let me know if it works.

04-02-2011, 01:52 PM
FYI for people posting...........It's kinda of hard to up the w/c's when he's doing daily w/c's everyday since he's been into discus. Also he doesn't have substrate, period.............

Oh well that's just kinda scary, huh? Tough to get detritus worms in your substrate if there's no substrate!!

I kinda sorta wondered when I first read the post, but then I read the replies and didn't see anything about no substrate...soooooo, I just went with it. =)


04-02-2011, 02:13 PM
I'm pretty sure it's not planaria, there is no substrate and I think he does 50% water changes daily (with buckets, change those faucets man), he does feed live foods like blackworms, and in my case that's one of my suspects of getting camallanus. So I'm still going for a nematode.

04-02-2011, 02:25 PM
Increase wc's, wipe inside of glass often. Planaria.

If you do want to use levamisole to make sure fish are clear of nematode worms, it will make the fish not want to eat. Wait to use any other meds for a week, so they get their apetite back. I have not used prazi pro. I use pure praziquantel for tapeworms. Usually I space those meds out for a week, then redose each again on separate weeks.
Make sure the tank is clean when using any meds.


Ardan.. i have some Levimasol.. i am going to use.. i have never dewormed them before.. i think its a good thing to to do in all my tanks.. just in case.. i have some people that are looking at my fish.. i don't want to risk passing anything to them :)

04-02-2011, 02:30 PM
I filled the tank with epsom salt (about 1.5-2 tablespoons per 10G) and 1.5-2 tablespoons of NaCl it would have adverse effects on worms. It did.

So give that shot. Let me know if it works.

you used both salts at the same time?
as for cheaper option.. well, i already have levamisol.. i a bottle of the med. premeasured.. i just need to add water, mix and put 4 drops per gallon.. i just found a dropper/measuring test tube for $1.24 at HEB :)

yes.. all tanks are barebottom :)

04-02-2011, 03:26 PM
SKip treat one of the tanks first, see what happens make sure about your dose, levaminosole the discus will feel it.

04-02-2011, 04:55 PM
Oh well that's just kinda scary, huh? Tough to get detritus worms in your substrate if there's no substrate!!

I kinda sorta wondered when I first read the post, but then I read the replies and didn't see anything about no substrate...soooooo, I just went with it. =)


Planaria will live happily in sponge filters...I'm only going by what Skip posted a while back, but then he mentioned 'one gallon in, one gallon out'..that's really no change it the water's bioload...

04-02-2011, 08:00 PM
Skip, do you wipe your tank down regularly? Anytime I ever had a planaria issue, I just wiped everything down before water changes, and viola. If you are die hard about getting them with treatment, 1 drop of formalin per gallon and they'll be dead. Just make sure your temp isn't too high and you have good air.

04-02-2011, 11:10 PM
you used both salts at the same time?
as for cheaper option.. well, i already have levamisol.. i a bottle of the med. premeasured.. i just need to add water, mix and put 4 drops per gallon.. i just found a dropper/measuring test tube for $1.24 at HEB :)

yes.. all tanks are barebottom :)

Yup, both salts at the same time.