04-02-2011, 04:49 PM

Okay so I Have 7 total Discus. One has been sick (black cloudy eyes)and another kinda sick (white poop). I used a few different meds in the tank and nothing has worked. So I went to my LFS and they told me to treat the whole tank with Metro plus. Last night did 50% water changed and added proper amount of Metro+. This morning Black discus is lighter in color (can see her stripes now) but, the sick discus and the 2 other babies are floating around and swimming sideways. they are breathing and using fins but maybe the med is making them drowsy?????

Ph is reading 6.5 and been doing daily water changes. I leave water sit heated over night and I check ph in tank and ph in bucket before adding. All other levels are good

Has anyone used Metro+ and had similar issues?

I;m thinking of doing a 50% water change and not Re-medicating.

any Advise?

04-02-2011, 04:55 PM
Yes big WC and continue observation. Methelyne Blue as a 30min dip in bucket or separate tank to detoxify 1ml/gal.

04-02-2011, 04:56 PM
update: doing 76% water change and def not re-medicating.... discus will lie in the bottom on there sides and they look dead.. then they will start swimming around then lay again. I really hope they don't die... hoping fresh water will help. i also put a new carbon in so it will take any left over meds out

04-02-2011, 05:02 PM
As for dying, it all depends on whether the cross-medicating has done any liver, kidney or other organ damage...good luck, keep changing more water...

04-02-2011, 05:04 PM
looks like the smallest one just passed :( other one is prob gonna pass too. One is holding on for its life and I hope it makes it. NEVER going to treat whole tank ever again!!!!

04-02-2011, 05:11 PM
Do you have Methelyne Blue ??

04-02-2011, 06:25 PM
I don't but I can get some at my LFS. Do I
treat the whole tank?

04-02-2011, 06:32 PM
No, it will kill the biofilter in the main tank. It is to be used as a dip described above. It aids in O2 uptake to the cells and acts to detoxify many compounds.

Treat fish one at a time beginning with the worst afflicted.

04-02-2011, 08:02 PM
How are you performing water changes? With tap or aged water? Heavy/big water changes with water of different parameters will make this all worse.

04-02-2011, 11:17 PM
I do water changes with 75% RO and 25% treated tap. (I usually do water changes 2x a week) I keep the water out overnight and test the ph of my water in tank and the new water before I add it.

I just did a big 75% water change to get out the meds and I added carbon to the filter.

So far lost another Discus :( one more is holding on but don't think she is gonna make it. All the other adult Discus are fine and my german rams are ok too. The meds affected the small discus that were 2".

04-02-2011, 11:27 PM
Generally metro won't kill young fish, if anything, they may develop bloat.

When you say you used a few different meds, what meds are we talking about?

04-02-2011, 11:52 PM
I used tetra parasite guard for 4 days. I did a water change then treated the water waited 48 hours then Re-treated. That didn't help the Discus that was turning black so I changed 50% water and waited a 3 days. LFS told me Metro+ by hikari would solve the problem and to treat the whole tank since they all might eventually get sick.

04-02-2011, 11:59 PM
Tetra Parasite Guard has metro in it. I am not thinking metro was the culprit for the deaths.

Active Ingredients: Praziquantel, Diflubenzuron, Metronidazole and Acriflavin.

Also, Prazi and Acriflavin are very easy. I have never tried Diflubenzuron.

04-03-2011, 12:11 AM
It may well be a toxin from another - yet identified - source, however please check the Exp. date on the Metro+ just to eliminate that.

04-03-2011, 11:02 AM
The only numbers on the metro+ bottle is 09091005. Not sure what 1005 means

04-03-2011, 11:06 AM
Out of the 3 young fish that died morning after the night treatment were not sick. So Metro+ definitely did something. All three young Discus are Dead. My Gold Marlboro who is 4.5" is now laying against a rock, not eating and using one fin! I thought after the 75% water change the rest of the fish would be good plus I added carbon back to my filter.

What do most do for water? I'm using 75% RO and 25% treated tap. But, some say they just use lake Michigan water.

04-03-2011, 12:40 PM
Very sorry for your loss. I am not familiar with Metro+ per se, but as Eddie said, Metronidazole should not cause those results at any dosage close to recommended dose.

Did you use any new tools; brushes, scrapers, etc??

Did you add any new plastics to the tank; plants, decoration, hoses, tubes???

04-03-2011, 12:50 PM
Just added an onion snail last week other than that nothing. And it was def the medicine so will call the company tomorrow as see what that code means on the bottle, Maybe a bad batch :( Lost $120 in fish. The golden Marlboro that was was lying against a rock is now up and in the middle of the tank so that's a good sign. I bet the meds made his system toxic and now with the carbon and fresh water he is feeling better. Keeping my fingers crossed. I'm so paranoid I check my ph everyday! Everything else is 0 or at a safe level. When the small fish were dying my red dragon discus would lie next to them and lay on them. It's so cute that she cares so much and they all seem to surround the sick fish. My white Discus was like that too with the one who was turning black she would lay on her but after medicating my white one passed I never even had a chance to name her! I think becasue theie organs are not fully developed its more toxic to their liver and they couldn't survive!

All new fish will be quarantined for 2-3 weeks before adding to my new 75 gallon. I'm afraid to even get one water molecule from the old tank since I've had so many problems. I wish I knew reputable breeder in Illinois. LFS fish have been giving me too many issues.

04-03-2011, 08:08 PM
It wasn't the metro, 100% sure of it. Send it to me and I'll use it to prove it.

Adding a snail is just like adding a new fish/plant, they care carriers of diseases just the same.