View Full Version : Help with 4 fighting discus (maybe two pairs)

04-05-2011, 02:03 PM
Hi, I recently bought four wild discus, two from a LFS and two from another individual. I first introduced the ones from the LFS and the next day introduced the ones from the individual. The two from the fish store are about 6.5" and the two other ones about 5". I have a planted 50 gallon tank.

My problem is the two bigger fish are non-stop bullying the two smaller fish and have them severely stressed and cornered into one of the edges. The smaller discus are very dark and showing their stress bars. I transfered them yesterday into their own tank (about 23 g) but it didn't help much as they also remained stressed and in the corner. I transfered them back into the larger tank but the bigger discus keep bullying them, flicking their fins at them, and "biting" them. I think they might be a pair and want to keep the larger tank for themselves. One of the small discus also turns their tail to the bigger ones and flicks it but the bigger ones just overpower him. I think the smaller ones might also be a pair, too.

Should I leave all four fish in the tank and let them resolve their issues? Should I transfer the smaller discus to the 23 g tank? Or maybe I could transfer the bigger ones into the 23 g tank?

Please note I've had these discus for less than 5 days and they're already stressed out enough from the move as it is.

All comments and suggestions greatly welcome and appreciated.


04-05-2011, 02:15 PM
You can buy a divider and separate them or move the smaller ones into the other tank. Its better to get the divider.

04-05-2011, 03:31 PM
Hi, I recently bought four wild discus, two from a LFS and two from another individual. I first introduced the ones from the LFS and the next day introduced the ones from th
Should I leave all four fish in the tank and let them resolve their issues?


Yes..there cichlids and there's always going to be a definite pecking order. Separating them will just delay the inevitable.

Having only 4 can contribute a lot of aggression among the newest..especially because there smaller than your original two. 23 g is too small for 4 adults..IMO. Also, to cut down on aggression it helps to have a minimum of 6. This will normally distribute much less aggression collectively.

04-05-2011, 03:34 PM
I transfered them back into the larger tank but the bigger discus keep bullying them, flicking their fins at them, and "biting" them.

I think in order to 'bite' you have to have teeth. LOL!!

04-11-2011, 07:52 AM
Thank you, andyl9063 and flyman767. I got the separator but ended up just taking the two larger ones and putting them in the smaller tank since they were less stressed than the smaller ones. They're all still alive, thankfully, and adjusting. I'm waiting for the smaller ones to get in a better mood to transfer the other two fish back into the larger tank. Again, tahnks for your help and commentes. Here's a "thank you" picture of the two fish you helped save back when they were all still together in the tank. The person I got them from didn't use a light and he'd had them for over a year in a bare bottom tank. I think the light and plants in my tank were mostly what stressed out the smaller fish so badly. They're still very dark and sort of lying down sideways and head down at times but at least thy're coming out of the corner a bit more.


04-11-2011, 08:20 AM
They look quite stressed. Might turn the lights off or something.