View Full Version : Stocking question on a 125

04-14-2011, 02:22 PM
The majority of my fish are 3 inches or better but I have 3 fish I want to add that are smaller than the group.

The juveniles are all eating great and will finish the additions to the tank. they are all 2.5 or smaller.

I added a fish to the QT and everything was fine but adding them to a tank with six larger fish will be completely different.

Just want to check out everyone elses experiences when they add fish.

04-14-2011, 02:58 PM
I've had no issue's when it comes to size.I've got a 125 holding tank,and have 5" to 2 1/2" in there now with no problems.I'm sure others will give thier experience's.

Second Hand Pat
04-14-2011, 03:09 PM
Is your QT large enough to grow your smaller juvies out alitte prior to adding them to your 125? Growing them out will allow them to compete better with the larger fish. Note: No experience with this particular situation but just offering some considerations.

04-14-2011, 04:35 PM
Thanks Gentlemen. The QT is a 30 but I am moving some 3.5's into the tank and was considering moving the kids with them hoping the aggression would get spread out.

I could grow them out a bit and move them but I was thinking they would be the focus of the tank and possibly take a little more of a beating.

04-14-2011, 04:40 PM
Agree. The bigger fish will get the lion's share of the food and usually chase the smaller fish away from whatever food is left on the bottom so he/she can eat it for themself.

04-14-2011, 04:41 PM
As for size, I wouldn't worry if they are all in good health..A tank in which I have around 18 sub-adults and some slightly smaller juvies is absolutely dominated by two smaller cobalt's...they even boss around two six inch turk's...

04-14-2011, 04:57 PM
As for size, I wouldn't worry if they are all in good health..A tank in which I have around 18 sub-adults and some slightly smaller juvies is absolutely dominated by two smaller cobalt's...they even boss around two six inch turk's...

LOL..... I would love to see that!

They are in great health and eating like a horse.

04-19-2011, 09:17 AM
As for size, I wouldn't worry if they are all in good health..A tank in which I have around 18 sub-adults and some slightly smaller juvies is absolutely dominated by two smaller cobalt's...they even boss around two six inch turk's...

Well Turq I went with your thoughts on adding the fish and moved the last over from my QT this weekend. Believe it or not the tank settled down even more after adding the fish and the juveniles are doing great. Eating hasn't been an issue and the 2.5" Snow White is dominating during feeding.

50% daily water change until the bio catches up but right now everyone's in the tank and life is good.

I appreciate everyone feedback!