View Full Version : Can I use Prime even though I have used another declorinator?

04-14-2011, 06:33 PM
Hi All at SD,

After a long wait for my prime to arrive in the post, I wanted to know, I age/heat and aerate my water for 24hrs. I have already added declorinator to my aging water, would it be harmful to add prime when doing my wc? Do I add for the volume of the tank? or just for the amount being changed. Will the two products together be lethal? Or does it dissipate eventually? Im asking because I recently removed my gravel and have had a spike in ammonia and nitrites, I have been adding stability as per instruction and heard and read how awesome prime is for discus and a water conditioner. Does it have a shelf life?

Your advice would be great!

Kind regards

04-14-2011, 06:48 PM
It won't hurt, it takes a lot to OD on the stuff. It's probably not necessary though to add it now, just wait during your next WC. Some people dose to the volume of tank some do it to the water changed. It's up to you. I dose 2x the volume of the tank with sodium thiosulfate with no apparent negative effects.

If you add it now, it may neutralize some of your ammonia. How long have you had your tank cycled?

04-14-2011, 08:15 PM
Actually Safe is better compared to Prime. It is a concentrated powder form of Prime and a small container will last for ages, very cost effective.

You could add the Prime, it will nuetralize the ammonio, converting to ammonium which is NOT harmful to the fish and your bacteria bed can still utilize it for nitrification. ;)

04-15-2011, 05:25 AM
Hi all,

thanks for help, Nitrite reading 0 still have traces of ammonia still have to do wc. I will definitely get some safe, I was reading all the posts concerning safe and prime last night till early hours this morning and it does seem to be the way to go once you have used it theres no turning back is what I have gathered. Thanks guys this is really an awesome forum thumbsup !

04-15-2011, 07:13 AM
If u are using prime or safe, the positive ammonia readings are ammonium, non toxic. The bacteria can still utilize ammonium for nitrification. ;)

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04-16-2011, 09:52 AM
Just questioning why you add a conditioner to your storage water if you store it for 24 hrs? Also if you are going to add a product at the water change it would be redundant.

04-17-2011, 12:44 AM
Just questioning why you add a conditioner to your storage water if you store it for 24 hrs? Also if you are going to add a product at the water change it would be redundant.

Aging water will not dissipate chloramines.

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04-17-2011, 02:31 PM
I know but it is not necessary to do it twice.

04-17-2011, 09:10 PM
I know but it is not necessary to do it twice.

Ah, I see what your saying. I believe the OP was asking in this case, about the rise in ammonia/nitrite. But yes, just using Prime or Safe alone is all that needs to be used, not 2 products at the same time.