View Full Version : Question on Filter for 55g and future Discus

04-22-2011, 11:30 AM
I have a fairly new 55g tank. It is fully cycled. I was curious if the filters I have would be ok to keep discus. Tank has Gravel substrate and a couple live plants but mainly fake ones.

Current Fish stock.
8 Rummy
4 Cory (forget which ones)
1 Peco
5 Serpa Tetra
4 Gourami

I am wanting to add about 4-5 Discus as well.

My question is the filters I have are a Penguin 350 and a Cascade 700 (canister), will this be sufficiant or is there a recomendation for something better.

Water is mainly tap. I use RO/DI water to refill due to condensation. Let me know if you need any other info.

04-22-2011, 12:01 PM
How new?

04-22-2011, 12:02 PM
Sponge filter would not hurt

04-22-2011, 12:14 PM
Tank is about 3 months old. I am thinking about also getting a 20g for QT as well since I have the room for it in a different room in the house. I am still several months out from getting the discus. Just want to make sure I have what is needed for right now. I am still undecided on the 20g though. I know from my reading on the forum it is a good idea. Just not sure I want it since my water bill is already pretty high to the sever draught going on here in Texas. I would be getting 4" plus discus. Maybe 3 to start with. Or would it be better to get them all at once?

04-22-2011, 12:49 PM
they are happier in groups of 5 or more.. i have 4 in QT right now.. they are skittish.. but i am sure they would be more comfortable with another..

if you need some help, like who has them and who is close.. just drop me aline. i know few people or maybe we can order together and split some shipping :)

i also have a 55g sitting here and am breaking down another 55g for 75g upgrade if you need more room :)

i live off manor/35 by ut football stadium

04-22-2011, 01:07 PM
I am out by the Dell Diamond in Round Rock. May take you up on the offer. Would be nice to check out someone elses setup.

04-22-2011, 01:13 PM
Hi Cambik I live in Hutto I'm about 15 minutes away from you, Warlock you do realize that you need space for yourself where are you going to be placing all the fish

04-22-2011, 01:15 PM
Nice to see there are several close by. The two lfs that carry discus just don't have any that would be worth what they want in my opinion.

04-22-2011, 01:18 PM
Do not spend your money there, better pay for shipping, you will come out with better fish and you would spend the same or less.

04-22-2011, 03:28 PM
len, since you are so close. I am going to assume our water is from the same source. What are your Parameters? Mine is PH 7.8, KH4, ammonia and nitrite 0, and Nitrate at 10-15. I will be doing a water change today but have not been doing it as often as I would with Discus to make sure the tank is stable. Not sure what the GH is though. I know it is pretty hard water just not sure what it is.

04-22-2011, 03:50 PM
I have a fairly new 55g tank. It is fully cycled. I was curious if the filters I have would be ok to keep discus. Tank has Gravel substrate and a couple live plants but mainly fake ones.

Current Fish stock.
8 Rummy
4 Cory (forget which ones)
1 Peco
5 Serpa Tetra
4 Gourami

I am wanting to add about 4-5 Discus as well.

My question is the filters I have are a Penguin 350 and a Cascade 700 (canister), will this be sufficiant or is there a recomendation for something better.

Water is mainly tap. I use RO/DI water to refill due to condensation. Let me know if you need any other info.

I'm a firm believer in using a pre-filter for canisters that way it doesn't get junked up with crap... I've tried varying combinations of filters and I'm most happy to have a HOB as mechanical filtration and a canister w/ pre-filter for bio-filtration. I use a Hydro IV Pond sponge as my pre-filter. This is especially important if you feed beef heart (in fact, it was this forum that told me to do this). Instead of having to clean my canister once a week, I do it once every 2-3 weeks now but I clean my HOB once a day and squeeze out the pre-filter every other day.

04-22-2011, 04:06 PM
Yeah, I am still trying to find a good piece of foam to use as a pre-filter. I was also planning on cleaning out the canister today as well. Will be starting this in about 2 hours. I was also going to be taking the carbon out of the canister and adding more bio media at the same time. I am sure it is nasty. I still have to get the cartridges that Eddie uses for his Penguin along with some foam for that as well as that looked good as well. That would get rid of all the carbon filters for the tank. Of course I won't be adding discus for a little longer. I will however probably add about 7 more Rummys for a total of 15 (seems like a good number). The Serpa's were on special for $1.00 each so I got those while I was still in the middle of the cycle to help speed it up. So if those go away not a big deal.

04-22-2011, 04:12 PM
Yeah, I am still trying to find a good piece of foam to use as a pre-filter. I was also planning on cleaning out the canister today as well. Will be starting this in about 2 hours. I was also going to be taking the carbon out of the canister and adding more bio media at the same time. I am sure it is nasty. I still have to get the cartridges that Eddie uses for his Penguin along with some foam for that as well as that looked good as well. That would get rid of all the carbon filters for the tank. Of course I won't be adding discus for a little longer. I will however probably add about 7 more Rummys for a total of 15 (seems like a good number). The Serpa's were on special for $1.00 each so I got those while I was still in the middle of the cycle to help speed it up. So if those go away not a big deal.

I use sponges for the canister biomedia and ceramic rings I bought on Foster and Smith Aquatics...

You can use those giant automotive sponges as a pre-filter or buy them at Lowes/Home Depot (pond pre-filters). I ordered mine online only because my tank is in the livingroom and my wife -DEMANDS- the polished/clean look of manufacturered goods. Although... she HATES the Hydro Sponge. It is obscenely large and excessive for a 75G tank :P

04-22-2011, 04:21 PM
I currently have some ceramic rings in the canister but will be adding another set. Then to swap out the ones for the Penguin. My tank is also in the living room so want a decent looking as well. You have a link for one you got for your canister pre-filter?

04-22-2011, 04:25 PM

...and he's a sponsor of this site :) I'm pretty happy with the service overall from Ken (fast shipping, cheap prices, good communication) with a neutral outlook with his last batch of flake food (red food coloring in flakes changes water color quickly but he's changing his next batch to not have as much).

I have the Hydro Pond 4 but any of the ones listed will probably do the trick or the Filter-Max.

04-22-2011, 08:11 PM
OK, I have a 55 planted tank, which I will be changing for a tank that's 48x18x30 (I think it's a 125 or something like that), but as it is right now is a 55 planted I have an Eheim 2213 which I got from http://cgi.ebay.com/Eheim-Canister-Filter-Classic-Plus-2213-NEW-/250187161458?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3a40511f72 , this guy is local off I35 and howard lane if you buy it just msg him that you will pick up and he will acomodate since he doesn't have an official store front, and I also have a aquaclear 70, I do 3 water changes 50% every week, our GH is about 10 very hard but it doesn't matter I do straight tap with a python and no problems I also have grown out tank that I do 80% water change 2 times every day and no bad effects.

On the canister I have the rings and I only change the fine filter about every two months

04-22-2011, 08:37 PM
That's a 110G just in case you were curious..

04-22-2011, 08:41 PM
Yes, awesome I can keep all of my 12 discus in one tank. actually they look pretty cool right now I need to get a pic here soon.