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04-23-2011, 02:42 PM
Hello everyone!

I wanted to share with all of you the results of my multiple year research on the matter of water quality!
This research was motivated by many years of reading and responding to the same question here on Simply and in fish keeper gatherings around the world!

"How much water should I change?"

The ultimate newb question and matter of much debate at every level of the hobby! The single question that moves a whole industry of filters, chemicals, advertising, media, marketing...this simple question generates more debates than any other in the hobby! Even more than "how to measure discus" or "how to sex my discus"!

There has been so much debate and so many friendships lost over the matter of water changes that some people have actually blocked those words in their browsers in order to avoid yet another fruitless and long discussion in open forums were the SEARCH feature seems to be the most mysterious tool ever! Why search, if you can ask!?

The methodology used was simple observation and copious notes taken over many years keeping and breeding discus. I compared my data with fellow hobbyists and have come with the ultimate answer to this question!!!

The logic is so absolute that no one will be able to refute it! The response so ingenious that it will have people arguing for years that they already new this and just didn't want to share!!!

This result will revolutionize the way we keep our tanks, and hopefully put to an end this ever re-occurring topic. No need to try to fight it, this is THE ANSWER, like it or not!


Here it goes...

"How much water should I change?"

Wait for it...

Wait for it...


You are all welcome! :)

P.S. - Please use the search button before posting another repetitive thread!
P.S. Deux - Happy Easter!

Second Hand Pat
04-23-2011, 02:56 PM
This one made me laugh, good one and totally agree.

04-23-2011, 03:18 PM
Way to go, Rod - I love it ! LOL

04-23-2011, 03:41 PM
How happy should they be? how clean should I keep it ?
Ha! Happy Easter Rod

Eddie Wells
04-23-2011, 04:26 PM
Short translation 95% a day with do !
LOL could'nt resist, Rod !!!!
Agree with your post all the way !!

Eddie Wells

04-23-2011, 05:14 PM
How happy should they be? how clean should I keep it ?
Ha! Happy Easter Rod

That's up to you...! Happier than the owner who has to perform all the water changes! :)


04-23-2011, 09:40 PM
OK! But let me ask you this... How many wc's does it take to make your fish happy? ;)

04-23-2011, 09:46 PM
It would take anywhere from 2100 to 3650 depending how long they live.


04-23-2011, 09:53 PM
OK! But let me ask you this... How many wc's does it take to make your fish happy? ;)


04-23-2011, 09:54 PM
OK! But let me ask you this... How many wc's does it take to make your fish happy? ;)

LOL, and what if I want mine happier than anybody elses. :)

Second Hand Pat
04-23-2011, 09:56 PM
LOL, and what if I want mine happier than anybody elses. :)

....all day long... (you know the song)

04-23-2011, 10:23 PM
Hey my fish are happier than yours!!! I use Evian water to do my changes!!! :) I warm it up real nice for the...you know how it is!

Actually if I want to be more serious about it...happy fish are breeding fish....by that measure...my fish ARE very happy!


04-23-2011, 10:47 PM
Hey my fish are happier than yours!!! I use Evian water to do my changes!!! :) I warm it up real nice for the...you know how it is!

Actually if I want to be more serious about it...happy fish are breeding fish....by that measure...my fish ARE very happy!


I don't know Rod, I've seen some SICK fish breeding before. Not the norm but they looked AWFUL. Definitely not my own! I was SURPRISED as hell to see them that bad off and spawning.

04-24-2011, 09:51 AM
Like Hans said somewhere...somtimes sick fish will breed since they know they are dying as an attempt to continue the species....not what I meant but...I guess you are right! Nothing is absolute when it comes to Discus!


04-24-2011, 09:52 AM
That does make sense though. Where there is a will to survive, there is a way.

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04-24-2011, 09:54 AM
LOL>.. good thread Rod... :)

nothing is absolute when it comes to Discus!
Sure there is.... They are absolutely the best Fish! :)


04-24-2011, 09:55 AM
LOL>.. good thread Rod... :)

Sure there is.... They are absolutely the best Fish! :)


I'll drink to that!

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04-24-2011, 10:54 AM
Me to! And Happy Easter everyone!


04-25-2011, 07:37 AM
and yet, as I carry another bucket of water to the shower, I continue to hang on to the diminishing thread of hope that someday... someday soon... someone will actually invent the incredible "water restoring filter" that completely reestablishes water to its pristine, de-nitrated state, with all its best minerals intact and toxins removed, without destroying the beneficial bacteria, or disrupting the pH, at a reasonable cost... and doesn't pollute the atmosphere... or cause birth defects or cancer... I have to believe... I have to....

04-25-2011, 07:40 AM
Just use an easier method of performing water changes. The bucket brigade went out of style back in the 60s.

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04-25-2011, 08:49 AM

Just use an easier method of performing water changes. The bucket brigade went out of style back in the 60s.

Just so you don't think I'm "stone age" Eddie, that was just a bit of hyperbole. I use a python and pumps and hoses like most folks. But, being on well water that is extremely hard and has a pH of almost 9, water changes actually involve a process of generating more acceptable water through R/O, storing / aging it, heating it, dragging hoses through the house, etc... so, while it's less strenuous than hauling buckets, I'd still opt for a truly self contained, total water restoration system... I wonder if NASA would take on the challenge? ;)

04-25-2011, 09:01 AM
I'm sure Chad Hughes could get you something close. ;)

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04-25-2011, 09:03 AM
funny thread..I was reading your post, and I thought was actual data you collected..well, guess there is! lol..so...how often you change water and what percentage?

04-25-2011, 10:27 AM
funny thread..I was reading your post, and I thought was actual data you collected..well, guess there is! lol..so...how often you change water and what percentage?

OK...I'll answer...as much as needed!!! Other than that...I have answered this question about 500 times already!!! USE YOOUR SEARCH JENNIE! :)


04-25-2011, 11:48 AM
well...my fish talk to me.....and they tell me that rather than 1 big water change per day.....they like to get 2 smaller water changes per day......im just sayin........

04-25-2011, 12:07 PM
LOL Great thread.
