View Full Version : Power filter for 75 gal tank

04-30-2011, 09:54 AM
I've been looking for a good power filter for a 75 gal tank. I am steering away from canister filters. Do you think having two Emperor 400 power filters will be adequate? Each has a tank range of 30-80 gal. I would prefer something with greater capabilities but can't find any for a HOB.

Bud Smith
04-30-2011, 01:58 PM
I have 2 emperor 280's on one of my 75 gal. BB discus tanks - does a great job - keeps the water crystal clear
I also use 2 sponge filters and add no water conditioners

04-30-2011, 02:58 PM
I used to use one AC110 and a Fluval 405 on my tank... then I took out the F405 and the AC110 on the 75G does fine by itself. I'm still probably going to throw another on...

I can't speak for the Emperors, but I like the AC110s a lot.

04-30-2011, 03:31 PM
I'm using a Bio-Wheel 350 on my 55s with 2 small sponge filters on the inside. I also have 2 AC110's with 2 sponge filters running in my 90. The 400 should do the job but buy some sponge filters and better media for the available slots.