View Full Version : When you least expect it!!!

05-18-2011, 04:13 PM
Hi all,

First post to the forum, been a learning lurker for many years.

I have kept Discus off an on for nearly 20 years. Every time I managed to grow out a pair I ended up with a move or career change that resulted in fish adoptions and a few sales.

About 1 month ago I started a new tank project, fully computerized with dosing/waterchages/temp and ph control, the works. Roboquarium I called it. In searching online I found a good looking pair and thought I'd try that route.

As Roboquarium isn't running yet I set up a spare 29 gallon with some borrowed biological seed filters, a quick cycle and bought this pair of leopard/snakeskin. And of course as luck would have it I was called out of town on business for 10 days.

I returned home last Friday to find the pair covered in fry! My rough count is around 60, with an estimated free swimming date of 5/12 based on current size. That means the spawn occurred about 5 days after I left home! I did nothing "correctly", no turning down of the filter, no keeping lights on (they were on a timer) no water changes, and not even feeding in that time period! I even have live plants in the tank while Roboquarium is under construction.

All this to say sometimes nature just does its thing, no matter what we try and do to help things along, you can't stop nature.

Interesting the dad gave up his duties on Sunday, but the mom is still tending to all the fry. The divorce seems to be amicable, but she does not allow him into her corner! He is staying on his side of the tank and seems content to not deal with the kids....

I have observed a number of (10-12) fry that don't seem to be interested in her at all, that swim freely all over the tank. I am assuming they are feeding off the critters in the water coming off the live plants? The fry are growing, and can see full bellies... Just started the BBS routine yesterday, and they all (including the free spirited guys) seem to be rushing at it and I can see the pink bellies.

The temp tank has horrible glass, wasn't meant to be a photo tank, but will try to post a couple of pictures...

05-18-2011, 06:32 PM
Wow!!!! That's better than finding $20.00 in a pair of old jeans in the back of your closet!!!!! Lol!

05-18-2011, 06:54 PM
About 1 month ago I started a new tank project, fully computerized with dosing/waterchages/temp and ph control, the works. Roboquarium I called it. In searching online I found a good looking pair and thought I'd try that route.

As Roboquarium isn't running yet I set up a spare 29 gallon with some borrowed biological seed filters, a quick cycle and bought this pair of leopard/snakeskin. And of course as luck would have it I was called out of town on business for 10 days.

Any build plans or online log of your build? I've been thinking about this for a while. I won't be able to build it in the near future, but I've been slowly doing conceptual stuff in my spare time. I have a decent electronics and programming background. It's the mechanical and plumbing stuff that stumps me :P

05-18-2011, 08:34 PM
Any build plans or online log of your build? I've been thinking about this for a while. I won't be able to build it in the near future, but I've been slowly doing conceptual stuff in my spare time. I have a decent electronics and programming background. It's the mechanical and plumbing stuff that stumps me :P

Hi Eric,

I am keeping a journal and photos of the build, plan to post in a separate thread. As soon as I get my stuff together I'll let you know!

05-18-2011, 08:48 PM
Good going, Tiggert, I also am on travel, about 3 weeks now, with one week home. My pair laid eggs 4 weeks ago, but I decided to let the parents and fry stay on in the 29g with minimal w/c's and minimal feeding. My spawn is smaller than yours, but I'm hearing from my daughter that they're all doing well. I'll be home on Friday, and will start bbs then. So, yes, they don't need the Ritz, any old Motel 6 will do! ! ! LOL. Even with dirty sheets.!

I too would like to see the journal of your build project. Keep us informed. All the best. -Don

05-18-2011, 09:01 PM
Evidently I need to post on the forum more before I can put pictures up!

As soon as I hit my magic number I'll post some pictures of the kids....

Has anyone else experienced those freedom loving fry?

05-19-2011, 04:45 PM
Hi Don,

I've started a thread over in the building section. Have started collecting some photos and other information for robo-quarium. And there are probably more pregnancies made in the Motel 6 than the Ritz!

Sorry for the horrible photos, the tank really needed a good cleaning, but it was just temporary I swear!

Here is a photo of the Dad, sulking after she kicked him out:

And Mom with the swarm:

05-19-2011, 07:58 PM
Beautiful dad! I'll check out your other post. Leaving tomorrow morning for home, finally!

05-20-2011, 10:13 AM
Well sad news. I guess the one of the two got upset in the night, or hungry, and consumed most of the fry! There seems to be about 5 left, the Mom's colors have gone back to bright, not as dark as she was, so I guess the pair are back to pre kids selfs. I'll try and save the little ones when I get back tonight and attempt to rear them apart, unless they become lunch before then. Oh well, hopefully eating the fry results in a bigger spawn next go around!

05-20-2011, 10:49 PM
Alas, the spawn was totally consumed. Sushi must have been on the menu. But as of 15 min ago the pair were dancing together all over the tank and starting to clean the hatching cone....I expect another batch in the next few days!

Maybe these will stick!

05-22-2011, 10:18 PM
Didn't take the parents long...they now have a clutch of around 150 eggs, give or take a few. I'm going to put a curtain around the tank to give them some privacy over the next week or so. That may be what they need!

05-23-2011, 08:41 AM
Sorry about the fry. I don't know that a curtain is what they needed. Any idea who ate them? If the male doesn't attend to them again this time, I would remove him. If they get eaten again, I would remove the female the next time.

05-23-2011, 06:39 PM
Bad luck about the fry being eaten. Just a question on the breed of these fish. I have a male that looks almost identical to your male, but I have always thought it was a Blue Turq - is it fair to say the male is a Leopard?
