View Full Version : Every 15 Minutes

05-18-2011, 11:58 PM
Anybody heard of this program? Well my wonderful son has us involved. It's an educational program for high school age kids bringing awareness to alcohol related accidents. They pull a child out of class every 15 minutes and the child is made up to look dead and is not allowed to talk to anyone the rest of the day. In addition the parents get a visit from a sheriff deputy and chaplain to inform you your child has been killed. Oh what fun. We also have to write an obituary.:(

But it gets better.

They do a mockup of a crash scene at the high school complete with emergency extraction, ambulances a helicopter medivac. Quite impressive, but for 4 lucky parents their child has a special role. 2 children go to the hospital and the parents are called to the child's bedside, one child is the DUI suspect, he/she gets booked, locked up and actually goes to trial, and one lucky set of parents, you guessed it, Mr and Mrs calihawker, get to go identify our child AT THE MORGUE!

This all goes down tomorrow and needless to say I'm not looking forward to it. Great program for the kids, probably for a lot of the parents as well.


05-19-2011, 05:34 AM
What ! thats the only way to get rid of parents for good-heartattack , strock -u choose
it should be called RIP dear parents , crazy IMO

Elite Aquaria
05-19-2011, 07:03 AM
I have never heard of this...crazy

05-19-2011, 07:15 AM

its done all over texas.. just about every HS does/done it..

05-19-2011, 08:15 AM
Gee Steve, this makes 2 things you have had to not look forward to in one week. Sorry, glad I didn't have to go through that with our 2 kids. Back then all the school did was have a smashed up car on campus for kids to look at. This sounds much more vivid! Hope it does some good.

05-19-2011, 08:52 AM
Yeah Vera, it is pretty crazy but we've had a number of weeks to prepare. We had to sign on and agree, not that it makes it any easier. But really, is this a program for the kids or for the adults, and how are the kids chosen hmm? Even though we are the most non drug,non alcohol folks you can imagine, you may assume otherwise be my appearance. It actually happens all the time. Just because I look the part of a hard core rock musician dosent mean I drink and smoke weed. Same goes for my son, looks the part but dosen't partake. Maybe I'm reading to much into that.

Skip is that a regional thing? This one is nation wide. I hadn't looked it up till last night.

Thanks Barb, yeah tough week :(


05-19-2011, 10:05 AM

Can't say I've heard of this program but as a parent (though my kids are much younger) and someone in this field, I believe that anything to educate both parents and kids about drugs/alcohol is a good thing. Maybe the name of this program is a California thing. I'll have to look more into it.

For parents with kids, this is a good place to start


05-19-2011, 11:08 AM
Vlam, I totally agree, no question except where it concerns my own situation. We have a family dynamic that is WAY outside the norm. Not necessarily of my making but its awesome none the less. Let me put it to you this way. My 18 year old son, who looks the part of stoned metal head(takes after his dad!) who has a car and plenty of money CHOOSES to stay home and watch movies, play games and just hang with his parents and 14 year old brother. He dosent go anywhere. Like ever. Weird, I know. But It's great. Gives us a big kiss before bed. :)
And with me I've been kind of on the defensive lately about peoples perceptions. Most of my good friends are in law enforcement. I was at a party with a bunch of CHP guys and the subject of weed comes up. One of the guys was actually floored that I didn't smoke weed. Didn't believe it. And when I don't drink at a party I feel weird. It's like there's plenty of folks that maybe had a problem with drinking and had to quit and that's great but I choose when I drink or not. Usually not. Not because I ever had a problem with it, I never have, just because I maybe don't want a headache tomorrow or whatever but I feel that perception of "oh, had to give it up huh?" Again I'm probably being way over dramatical and sensitive.

But again yes, its a great educational tool.


05-19-2011, 11:30 AM

You are lucky to have a son who want to take after his dad...most teenagers these days wants to be like anything exept their parents.

My 18 year old son, who looks the part of stoned metal head(takes after his dad!)

It's definitely a perception thing. I am on the technology end of this field so I try to understand it better by sitting in DUI court observing hearings. The people standing in front of the judge does look anything like a "metal head".

Having a strong parent/kids relationship is so important in this age. There are so much mixed messages that's out there.


05-19-2011, 12:19 PM

I am on the technology end of this field so I try to understand it better by sitting in DUI court observing hearings.

Having a strong parent/kids relationship is so important in this age. There are so much mixed messages that's out there.


I definitely appreciate anyone working in this field and ultimately saving lives! Great work Van! :) I have zero tolerance for drunk drivers and if I was king of the world the laws would be way more severe.

Yes, I'm so very fortunate in the fact that my wife and I were/are able to both be stay at home parents. I believe its made all the difference in the world. Ive been following Evelyns trouble here on this forum and I know where the problems lie with raising these kids but in these difficult economic times it almost impossible to care for (make money) and raise (be with) your kids. It just seems there's not enough time for both.


05-19-2011, 12:44 PM
Steve, sure sounds like a "Don't judge a book by it's cover" kind of thing! Let us know how your trip to the morgue goes...

05-19-2011, 01:07 PM
Steve in texas.. Thats what its called. schools dont it every year.. It takes months to coordinate with all parties involved.. I cant speak for states...

05-19-2011, 01:10 PM
also u hear a heart beating over the pa... So the school knows the grim reaper is lcoming to get someone

05-19-2011, 01:18 PM
Though crazy... If this is going to make a difference in some kids life.. why not...

05-19-2011, 05:17 PM
i know one thing , no matter how much its gonna " help " someone my mom would DIE if she heard she has to come to morgue for me , would i want that - not in a 10000000000000 years , thats just sick

05-19-2011, 11:16 PM
Well that was quite an experience, one I hope to never repeat, even pretending. I have one entering high school and he's been forwarned that we will not participate again. Actually the hardest part was the sheriffs chaplain coming to the house. It's actually the real guy that would be doing this and the dude was good. He was quite descriptive in his narrative of the events and I really didn't have a problem with it until my wife Rochelle began to sob.:( then I got a little choked up. On the drive over to the morgue we lightened it up a little. I told Rochelle we needed to play it up because they were filming and she performed quite well for the camera. :)

I don't know, I agree if it saves even one life but I tell you what Natalia, I won't do it again.

Darrell Ward
05-19-2011, 11:57 PM
Geez! I'm glad my kids are grown!

05-20-2011, 06:08 AM
I don't know, I agree if it saves even one life but I tell you what Natalia, I won't do it again.

I hear ya Steve glad its over for u

05-20-2011, 10:50 AM
I did something similar to this in high school as part of SADD, I was one of the victims. At the specified time, something like every 30 mins, we'd don a black t-shirt and not talk to anyone for the rest of the day. Definitely didn't get nearly as intense as staging a scene, bringing in authorities, morgues, parents, etc. Just a shirt and silence. Wish it had a better effect, I know of at least 2 classmates who didn't heed the message.

05-20-2011, 04:09 PM
I have been involved in many of these with my job on the ambulance. As shocking as it is it realy drives it home for the kids. They get to see what realy happens when you drink and drive. I would rather put people through the fake part and not through the real thing, trust me it is not fun. this program had cut down the number of kids being hurt on the road in our neck of the woods. Sorry you had to go through it.

05-21-2011, 05:54 AM
It sounds like it was pretty rough Steve but if it saves just one life it was well worth it.


05-21-2011, 12:29 PM
There was an assembly yesterday with all the seniors and participants. You could see it had a MAJOR impact on these students. Lots and lots of tears and while I have mixed feelings about throwing parents into it, I can pretty much guarantee that when these students are out celebrating graduation this week and next, they will be thinking about it and hopefully making good choices. :)
