View Full Version : Chicaga Discus adults juvies and aquariums & equipment BIRTHDAY SELLATHON

05-22-2011, 09:23 AM
YUP..it's me birthday and I haqve closed down several tanks...have a BUNCH of nice equipment and fish available for GOOD prices come n gettem !!

I have a BUNCH of nice aquariums & equipment I want to sell off
cash & carry pick up on Northside Chicago prices negotiable for REASONABLE offers

3"-5' juvie discus $ 25-50
Adult discus premium quality $ 75-200

American marine digital PH & Hardness testers $ 90 each of $ 160 for both
56 Gal column tank complete $ 175 withy ALL the extras
40 gallon breeders $ 75 with a BUNCH of extras
mag 7 pump & extras $ 75.00
Marineland C 220 filters $ 75
Marineland C 360 filters $ 115 both with media & media bags
cheap strip lights
Discus cones $ 15 or $ 22 with egg guard
large bag bio-balls $ 10.00
bunch of extra stuff

Bruce 847-417-7127

call/text or e-mail OK by me