View Full Version : Is My Tank Suitable for Discus?

05-22-2011, 10:56 PM
Hi all!

For some time now I have been considering adding discus to my tank. Although im not new to fish keeping, i have never kept discus before so am not really sure if my tank and current inhabitents would be suitable for discus. The tank is 90 gal, running for about 6 - 7 months with canister filter, 4x T5 lighting, well planted with both silk and live plants. I have a very thin layer of fine gravel as my substrate.

Inhabitents currently include: 4 corys, 2 dwarf gouramis, 5 blue rams, 3 bristlenose, 8 cardinal tetras and 3 angelfish. I have read mixed thoughts on keeping angels with discus?? The tank is quite underestocked - sometimes even looks like there are no fish in there!

Would discus be a good choice to add to my tank? And if so, how many? I have also read a minimum of 5 is best?? Is this true?

Thanks very much :)

05-23-2011, 12:06 AM
you would have to worry about adding the discus to existing stock to avoid cross contamination.. however, try getting discus minimum 4".. they will be alot more forgiving to rookie mistakes.. :)

05-23-2011, 01:03 AM
Thanks for the reply Warlock! So then my tank is fine for discus? (yes will QT) Whoo whoo!! I was worried about compatibility with existing fish, even though they are mostly peaceful.
Thanks for the info re fish size... I would like to get mature ones.

Is it ok to start with 2 or 3 and build up? Or do i need a minimum of 5?

05-23-2011, 08:46 AM
Add what ur wallet can afford... 5 at once would be less stressful, they love being in groups. Getting 2 or 3, may give look of unhappieness, which can be seen as illness... If u have to buy twice... Make sure they come fron same source..

05-23-2011, 08:52 AM
I don't recommend gravel because food can get trapped in it. IMO sand is better. What temperature do you have the tank at and what is your water change regime? IMO you need a minimum of six and you will also need to quarantine them in a separate tank with separate supplies. Happy shopping!

05-23-2011, 10:53 AM
Great - thanks guys! .... Will try to get 5 or 6 straight up. I have an empty 66 gal tank and two spare 300 watt heaters still in their boxes which will be perfect for the QT period. I also have a spare 10 gal and 20 gal tank if need be. I always keep extra filters going in my tanks so always have an instant cycle on hand for qt.

My water change regimen is pretty full on already - I have a 180 gallon ornamental goldfish tank in which i do 2 water changes a week - an 80% and a 50%. Goldfish are extremely dirty!!

In the 90 gal tropical tank (which i am planning for the dicus) i change 50% a week, more than needed atm as the bioload is so low! So yeah... Im no stranger to large and frequent water changes. LOL

The temp in the tank is 82, but has reached as high as 86-87 in summer months.

I get what you mean about the gravel mmorris, this is why my tanks have only a very thin layer... Only just covers the bottom! Much easier to keep clean and prevent nasties this way. I was always worried that sand could stuff up my filters??

The advice is much appreciated. Guess i should start looking around for some nice discus then!!! :D

05-23-2011, 01:23 PM
You can also consider getting an adult pair.

05-23-2011, 07:17 PM
Guess i should start looking around for some nice discus then!!! :D

Yes, I think you should. :smiley:

05-23-2011, 08:43 PM
Thanks mmorris ... Its so exciting!! I am loving the thought of discus in my tank more and more!!

You can also consider getting an adult pair.

Hmmmmm...... Definitely something I would consider! But now that you have put the thought in my head, I have more questions LOL

Would a breeding pair mean i would only need to get the 2 discus?
Would I be able to add/need to add more discus with the pair later on?
Are pairs very territorial and aggressive toward other fish?
Sorry for all the questions, but just wanting to get an idea of how the tank dynamics work with a pair and make an informed decision on how to start... These fish are too expensive and too beautiful to make ignorant mistakes with :)

Guess i should also weigh up the cost of buying a pair against getting 5-6 fish straight up.... hmmmmm.....

05-23-2011, 09:10 PM
In my opinion, buying healthy adult pair from someone like Hans and keeping them in your tank is much easier than buying 6 small discus and trying to grow them out yourself. Plus, no matter how well you grow them out, which is difficult to do in a planted tank, you may never get nice looking adult discus. Getting 6 nice fully grown adult discus from 6 juvies is almost impossible from what I've heard.

Getting a breeding pair means you can get two discus for the tank and be fine as long as they are a mated pair and you can add more discus in the tank later on if you so desire. From my experiences, breeding pair is not that territorial. When they lay eggs, they will guard the area, but I haven't seen my breeding discus go overly aggressive towards other fish or other discus. Others may have different experiences. Good luck whatever you decide to do.

05-23-2011, 09:27 PM
Thanks for the info! I wouldn't want to grow out juvies.... I would be getting 6 adults straight up, which i know would be very expensive for the initial outlay.

Well it seems to me that getting a pair might be the way to go and a good start for me... especially considering the cost in getting started. At least I now know what my options are!

Thanks again to all :)

05-23-2011, 09:41 PM
4 inch is a good size.. i don't know the conversoin off hand for metric.. but that is a young adult.. great size to start.. there is normally a pretty good price difference between 3" and 4"

3 inch is what i am look for now.. minimum..

05-23-2011, 11:09 PM
4 inches is about 10cm....

Young adults sound good to me! Will see what i can find... Next step is to find a reputable source around here and see what they have on offer :)

05-23-2011, 11:10 PM
there are a couple of sponsors from down under.. should be what you are looking for

05-24-2011, 12:36 AM
Thanks.... Have found someone from the sponsor list who distrubutes in my area and have PM'd him

05-24-2011, 12:40 AM
Thanks.... Have found someone from the sponsor list who distrubutes in my area and have PM'd him:thumbsup:

06-03-2011, 07:37 AM
Just wanted to say thanks for the advice. I picked up 5 beautiful discus from Rod. Am very happy and already want more!!! :D

06-03-2011, 08:38 AM
Just wanted to say thanks for the advice. I picked up 5 beautiful discus from Rod. Am very happy and already want more!!! :D

just like crack.. i know! i have 5 Fire Reds from Hans coming in next week! :) and i need to make room for them !! LOL

06-03-2011, 10:00 AM
So excited for you lulu!!!!! I remember getting my first discus! It's excellent you're already an experienced fish keeper, I'm sure your venture into this discus thing will be successful and great fun for you. You've chosen wisely getting fish from Rod!!! Congrats!
Pictures pictures pictures!!