View Full Version : New guy here with questions!

05-24-2011, 12:48 AM
Hello all new guy here from PA. I have never kept discus before but have always wanted to and the opportunity to add a new aquarium has arisen. I'm setting up a 93 gallon cube. The dimensions are 30" x 30" x 24" with a corner overflow. I plan on using a wet/dry for filtration with a 950gph pump and an LED module for lighting. I've kept reef tanks for many years so I'm used to water changes. I'd like to use sand as a substrate and just driftwood for decoration. I was wondering how many discus I can safely keep in this set-up. What additives to use. What tank mates you suggest. Would shrimp be okay tank mates? What kind? I've seen in a few places not to use carbon. I use carbon on my reef tanks in a phosphate reactor and change it once a week. Would it still be a problem? Should I put sponges over my overflow intakes or just change the filter socks often? Could I get away with weekly water changes instead of daily? Any hints, tips, suggestions will be greatly appreciated and thanks in advance.

05-24-2011, 01:51 AM
I am VERY new to discus but have been doing a lot of research. The rule of thumb is 1 discus per 10 gallons so 8-10 but I always go on the lower side. Sand is fine but you will have to keep it spotless. Only chemicals should be for chlorine. Carbon is debated but 99% of reputable sources say go without it. Daily water changes are really necessary for growth and health. Most do 50% daily (remember juvies need to be fed around 5-6 times a day). Tankmates are limited due to mid 80's temp but angels, cardinal tetras, rummynose tetras and others have worked for some people but most suggest species only tanks for discus.

05-24-2011, 02:18 AM
Hi there Nano and welcome! I'm fairly new here too, just got into discus and I'm raising some 4" guys. Well, they're 5" now, but they were 4" when I got them. =)

8 discus would be perfect for your tank. You could get away with 9, but if you want tank mates it's easier to go 8 and have a ball with some smaller buddies in the tank.

Water change schedules depend on the size and age of the discus you purchase.

If they're juvies it has to be every day and as much as you can handle. They're gonna need high protein foods several times a day and the tank gets messy...very messy.
If they're teenagers (over 3.5") it should still be daily, but you can get away with only a 50% change most of the time.
If they're adults you can reduce it even more, but you'll still want to get in 1-2 large changes a week. It will depend on what you feed them.

I don't run carbon in my tank. I think most people are against it and why run it if you don't have to, right? =)

As Tarheel mentioned, the only additive you'll need is dechlor with each change. I love Prime (liquid) or Safe (powdered form) since it's very concentrated and costs less in the long run than other brands.

Tank mates! I love German Blue Rams myself, but you can add electric blues and possibly a couple other varieties depending on what temps they can handle. Corydora catfish are popular since they clean the bottom of the tank really well, are small and fun to watch, and you can add a whole herd of the little guys. Just be sure you buy ones that can handle the temps. Sterbai's are good and I have albino's that are happy at 84 degrees. There are others too, I just can't think of them right now cuz it's late and my brain went to bed an hour ago.
Hmmm, other tank mates. There are several tetra's that make nice companions and look awesome flitting around the tank. Angels can be iffy. They can get pretty aggressive sometimes so you just have to watch for that and remove if necessary.

Shrimp, ohhhhhh do I wish discus were more tolerant of shrimp! Some discus are ok with them and leave them alone, and others treat them as tasty snacks. With just driftwood in your tank the shrimp aren't going to have a lot of cover so they might end up on the menu. It's a try it and see thing again.

Not sure on the sponges vs filter socks question. I'm new to sumps (just set one up this past weekend) so I'll leave it to the experts. I'm probably gonna be wrong on this, but I think the turnover rate for the sump is supposed to be somewhere around 4-6 times per hour. If that's right, your pump might be too powerful. Hopefully someone with more experience will hop on here and answer this for ya.

The only big hint I can think of is to do a pH test on your tap water. Do it straight from the tap, and then aerate a bucket of water overnight and test again. If you have a large pH swing you'll need to age your water in a barrel before doing water changes. Discus can't handle huge pH swings.

That's it for me for now. Gotta go find a bed and fall into it pronto. Glad to meet you though! =)

05-24-2011, 11:37 AM
I am VERY new to discus but have been doing a lot of research. The rule of thumb is 1 discus per 10 gallons so 8-10 but I always go on the lower side. Sand is fine but you will have to keep it spotless. Only chemicals should be for chlorine. Carbon is debated but 99% of reputable sources say go without it. Daily water changes are really necessary for growth and health. Most do 50% daily (remember juvies need to be fed around 5-6 times a day). Tankmates are limited due to mid 80's temp but angels, cardinal tetras, rummynose tetras and others have worked for some people but most suggest species only tanks for discus.

You've been doing your homework :-) Clean water will fix almost all of your issues. Just make sure you don't play around with the ph and you should be good...Tankmates should be limited to fishes from the same waters of the Amazon but just make sure they are larger than an 1.5 inches or they may become food lol


05-24-2011, 05:49 PM
I think all the advice you've gotten is good. I change about 30-40% water daily in my 125 with 10 adults, 40 rummy nose, 3 corys and one pleco. One thing about the pleco, make sure it's one that works with discus otherwise it may attach to the fish . . . The only other advice I'd give is -- make changing water easy. If you've got a good system without dragging buckets and hoses all over the house, that will make it easier and faster to change water. Good luck.

05-24-2011, 08:51 PM
That's a great tank for keeping up to 10 discus - would suggest 3.5" to 4.0" discus, or larger.
Weekly wcs are a little less than ideal, try to shoot for 2 or 3 X weekly if you can, for better results.
Tank mates- Amano shrimp are fine. Some others too, as long as they're a decent size so as not to tempt your discus into an easy breakfast meal. Others have suggested cardinals, rummy noses, german rams, various strains of cories - these are all good mates, incuding rasboras, BN plecos, & others.
I have found the occasional use of carbon, or Purigen, is not a problem for improving & maintaining water clarity.
Pre-filters are also a great help for cleanliness & maintaining clarity.
You've been doing your research, and you're certainly on the right track. Good luck !