05-28-2011, 12:37 PM

One of my discus looks like he may have some kind of fungus. Just noticed yesterday some white pimple like spots (not ich) and he is scratching today against the plants. He is the only one with it. I used some garlic in the food today (soaked overnight) heard it helps with viruses etc. Anyone have luck with garlic??

problem is i have a quarantine tank i can transfer the fish to but right now I am treating a fish who hasn't eaten much with metro+ (it may have internal parasite) it just never want to eat and have had it for 2 months. Will metro be a good treatment for a white itchy fungus... should i put the two sick fish together? or should i treat my whole 75 gallon tank in case its contagious?

my ph is 6.6 and just did a 30% water change last night . I have a UV sterilizer so I don't know where this came from on the fish. I feed frozen worms, krill, brine and good quality flakes. No carbon in my canister filter either. And I just changed all that filter stuff 2 weeks ago.

05-30-2011, 11:30 AM
please fill out the disease questionnaire and if you can get a clear picture, that would help people identify possibilities, too..

05-30-2011, 02:59 PM
Need more imfo,but if it is just a fungus or external parasite. The best treatment is PP. And yes you can treat you whole tank at one time. I wouldnt treat with PP if your tank has tetras in it Garllic will be of no use,and has not been proven to help with anything. You also need a beefhart and maybe Als freeze dryed black worms. Get some PP MESSAGE ME and i will walk you threw it. Jerry