View Full Version : The Real Memorial Day

05-29-2011, 09:06 AM
Hi Everyone,
As we head into the Memorial Day Holiday, Please take some time to think about this Day... I know we all use this Day for get togethers, barb-q's , to mark summer's beginning, Car and furniture dealerships use it for sales Blitzes, grocery stores use it support their sales. etc.

But that is not what it is really about...Its about remembering those that gave their lives for our country. I had always known that deep down but it did not really register until I got involved with my son's cub scouts. As part of our packs civil services we volunteered to place flags on the graves of soldiers. We worked with veterans to do this.. Even though We live in a small town, we placed hundreds of flags in several cemeteries. It was a very good activity for the kids as they got a chance to see what this day is all about...and I think probably understand it now better than most adults around them.

If you have kids, talk to them about this day and what it means.. You can find some historical info here...


And as Adults, please take some time to remember them... all the fallen soldiers over the years that made the ultimate sacrifice for their Country,family, friends and freedom. Over one million men and women have given their lives in the service of this Country....Lets remember them!

Please also take the time to thank those that have served.... at any point in their service they too could have made that sacrifice and would have ...for all of us.

Best regards,

05-29-2011, 09:17 AM
Thank you Al. Very well said. I heard a statistic that said as little as 20% of Americans know what memorial day is for.
God bless those that have given their lives for this country and keep those that are on the battlefield safe.


05-29-2011, 09:28 AM
Very well said Al. For one that has served and spent a year in Iraq I also want to ask that we continue to pray for those that are still deployed and away from their loved ones. For they are still protecting our freedom.


05-29-2011, 09:55 AM
I posted this four years ago and it seems just as relevant today:

Let us always remember our fine men and women in uniform in our hearts and in our minds. Let us remember why they are fighting and dying in Iraq and Afghanistan. It is not so that we may be free. It is for oil or a pipeline to get that oil. Let us remember who profits from that oil. It is not you and I. It is for the wealthiest members of a society that is based on an unsustainable exploitation of resources. Let us remember our men and women who find themselves in rotation after rotation, unable to come home as planned. Let us remember those who come home dead, injured, sick, distressed. Let us remember those who find themselves unprotected in combat and those who find themselves in deplorable hospital conditions such as was unearthed recently at Walter Reed. Let us remember those who support our men and women in uniform – those like myself, who want them home, safe.