View Full Version : water never clear!!!

06-04-2011, 12:08 PM
I moved my 6 juvies to my 75g tank and with a sponge filter, hob, and two canister filters the water column never seem to be "clear". Especially after I feed there is always stuff floating in the water for at least an hour or so and when feeding 6 times a day... You can imagine how crappy the water looks. Not to mention I have pfs as substrate and I constantly have sand grains stuck on the sides of my tank. Has anyone else ever had this problem?

Sean Buehrle
06-04-2011, 10:39 PM
How much waterflow do you have goin on, sounds like alot.

Discus dont like alot of water movement, make sure they have somewhere to go in calm water.

If you have food floating for a long time, you are overfeeding. You can feed your fish as many times as you want but make sure they are eating it all.

How often do you clean your filters, you can overclean filters and it will lead to cloudy water.

Post a pic if you can, it helps alot.

06-04-2011, 10:47 PM
I don't believe its a matter of filtration. With all three they have plenty of calm water and are very happy. As for the over feeding, could be a possibility. My outlets on filters all make most of their current on water surface and the food gets pushed around. I think for the beefheart has a lot to do with it also. I actually watch it fall apart and cloud water as they eat it. Maybe a feeding cone and no beefheart? Also the pfs is always floating and on tank sides.... ugh.

06-05-2011, 01:11 AM
I have a dozen 3" juvies in a 60 gallon with only a sponge filter and daily water changes- water is crystal clear. why substrate? are you trying to grow them out? Or are you trying to make the tank theyre in 'look nice'?

how often are WCs and how much water are you changing?

06-05-2011, 08:29 AM
water change! :)

06-05-2011, 09:45 AM
How long have the filters been in service? If filters are not mature enough or you clean them too much this will happen. what are your ammonia,nitrite,nitrate readings? what is your wc routine? what is in your bh mix?

06-05-2011, 10:48 AM
Lol relax on the water changes guys. I do 50g every other day and about ten everyday when cleaning poo/food from bottom. My filters have been running for around 4 months. My ammonia, nitrite 0, nitrate around 4. The tank is a biotope, I had them in bb before. The bh is just some that I bought. Hikari possibly, I don't remember

06-05-2011, 11:03 AM
I would say as the filters age more it will clear more, unless your too heavy on the feeding.
sometimes wc's/cleanings take out a lot of the bacteria fauna. I would try cutting the wc's until nitrate goes around 10-15. Ever see how tanks with high nitrates and very few wc's are crystal clear? doesn't mean it's better water, just has higher/ better balance of bacteria.

06-05-2011, 11:19 AM
How often do you clean your filters? I have four cannisters on my tank and when water doesn't seem to be as clear, I clean the filters and water is much clear after that.

06-05-2011, 12:48 PM
Uhm its been one month since I cleaned them, I do it every month and a half ish. It seems as if the sand doesn't settle. They always have some in the water and on glass of tank. And just the bh when it breaks up.

06-05-2011, 02:05 PM
If the sand is all over then it sounds like there is too much current. the sand could get in the filters and ruin them. adding more filters too a tank does not necessarily mean cleaner water. I rely mostly on my filters for bio. and some for particulate. if you don't have enough waste to feed the filters, they will have very small colonies of beneficial bacteria. A properly sized well established filter should keep any water very clear.
The first time I used flourite in a tank, the water always seemed cloudy/dusty. I thought it was from the flourite so I was going to remove it. I didn't get to do it for a few months(5-6) and the water just cleared up on it's own. It wasn't from the filters removing the "dust" it was the maturity of bacteria that balanced things. I would even use a diatom filter then the next day it was the same.

06-05-2011, 03:03 PM
how often you clean the filter? did you change the media?

06-05-2011, 03:16 PM
Nah the 2113 is about 3 months old and the pro 80g is a month old. The HOB has been up three months also, sponge filter about one month. I just took old filters from 29 planted, cleaned them and put on 75g( I rinsed in tank water, as not to kill bacteria). As for the.current, the 2213 has stock spray bar and the ecco pro has stuff straight from box too, then an HOB rated for 20-40g.

06-05-2011, 03:26 PM
What bh mix are using

06-05-2011, 04:14 PM
Regular ole store bought, I threw away packaging just have cubes now lol

06-05-2011, 04:24 PM
I use a uv light to keep tank crystal clear. Try one of those. Lighten up on the food. Only give what they eat. Once it is gone give a little more until they quit eatting. I let mine graze for about a hr or so then get out the rest.
Best of luck:)

06-05-2011, 04:33 PM
Clean your filter and see if that clears up the water.

06-05-2011, 04:42 PM
Alrightyy. Tomorrow is wc day so ill clean both canister filters real good and then do wc/siphoning. Also I have purigen in one of the canisters.

Darrell Ward
06-05-2011, 07:12 PM
I would only rinse out the bio media in tank water, because your tank is still in a fragile state because of the recent increase in bio load. Micron rated pads in filters can clean up tiny particles in the water column pretty easy. You can also try feeding less food at feedings.

06-05-2011, 07:25 PM
Yeah, and I'm gunna suck it up and order a lb of worms :) thanks for that info BTW.

Darrell Ward
06-05-2011, 07:30 PM
No problem.

06-05-2011, 08:34 PM
Do you think I should remove the 2213 and use only the HOB and ecco pro 80g?

06-05-2011, 10:37 PM
I would say as the filters age more it will clear more, unless your too heavy on the feeding.
sometimes wc's/cleanings take out a lot of the bacteria fauna. I would try cutting the wc's until nitrate goes around 10-15. Ever see how tanks with high nitrates and very few wc's are crystal clear? doesn't mean it's better water, just has higher/ better balance of bacteria.

If the sand is all over then it sounds like there is too much current. the sand could get in the filters and ruin them. adding more filters too a tank does not necessarily mean cleaner water. I rely mostly on my filters for bio. and some for particulate. if you don't have enough waste to feed the filters, they will have very small colonies of beneficial bacteria. A properly sized well established filter should keep any water very clear.
The first time I used flourite in a tank, the water always seemed cloudy/dusty. I thought it was from the flourite so I was going to remove it. I didn't get to do it for a few months(5-6) and the water just cleared up on it's own. It wasn't from the filters removing the "dust" it was the maturity of bacteria that balanced things. I would even use a diatom filter then the next day it was the same.

I think Jim here is touching on one of the most important, or critical, parts of your problem.
If I remember correctly, you've only had this tank up & running for 2-3 months. I've had similar problems over the years with 'young' tanks.
At times, it takes some many months of maturing & ageing of your tank (if it's not just bare bottom), well beyond that period, to get the balance needed to produce clear water conditions. When your tank has been up & running 6-8 months, up to a year or so, I'm sure you would see the substantive difference in clarity.
And definitely, the beef heart isn't helping. If you're going to go with PFS, less than daily wcs, and perhaps some plantings, and you want clarity in your water - forgo the beefheart feedings, and feed something besides that.
That's my .02.
Keep up the wcs, give it time, be patient, clean tank & filters well, often enough, and you'll be rewarded with what you're looking for, in due course.

06-06-2011, 11:23 AM
Alright I cleaned all my filters and did about 60g wc. It looks clearer and my filters were full of brown slime/guck... ugh Haha

08-31-2011, 07:33 PM
mt tank is onlt 2 months old give or take and not totally clear so this makes me feel better. about it not being totally mature that is. the filter bacteria that is. cant wait till its crystal! i hope you get there too. im right there with ya. :)

08-31-2011, 07:44 PM
"The Solution for Pollution is Dilution" (decoded as... WC...Water Chance.... Change your water:D)

I think I can post that on every "water problem" thread and be correct 90% of the time.

Real Help: I have noticed that adding a airstone tends to clear up water... maybe it brings impurities to the surface I am not sure.

08-31-2011, 07:58 PM
"The Solution for Pollution is Dilution" (decoded as... WC...Water Chance.... Change your water:D)

I think I can post that on every "water problem" thread and be correct 90% of the time.

Real Help: I have noticed that adding a airstone tends to clear up water... maybe it brings impurities to the surface I am not sure.

When you have sand Nd feed brine shrimp guess what.... Water changes do nothing. No offence but this may be your 1 % :) on my new tank that has no sand or food other than flakes the water is perfect. 6 months after setting up my tank and using a second filter with purely floss and micro pads my water still looks like crap

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08-31-2011, 08:08 PM

I have a buddy that switched to sand and has a similar problem his tank did not clear up for 4-5months, eventually he pulled all the sand out... Tank cleared right up!

How long did you spend flushing the "dusty sand" out before putting it in your tank?

08-31-2011, 08:51 PM

I have a buddy that switched to sand and has a similar problem his tank did not clear up for 4-5months, eventually he pulled all the sand out... Tank cleared right up!

How long did you spend flushing the "dusty sand" out before putting it in your tank?

Yes 10% my apology, these phones tend to type for you at times. When I first setup tank I didn't at all but about two months ago I moved tank in which I rinsed the sand very very thoroughly and completely cleaned my filters. Within days it was back to the same thing. I suppose between water hitting the sand and fish sifting it, it just never completely settles
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09-01-2011, 08:40 AM
Sorry to offend anyone, mateys, but it all sounds like a lack of good rinsing..I have PFS in three large tanks, and after an INTENSIVE rinsing, I never have any of these symptoms. (900-1500gph pumps, large Discus sifting, routine siphoning)...I'd say give it a chance after good rinsing..or not..JMO, Gary

09-01-2011, 10:17 AM
Sounds like you may have gotten the bottom of a batch(alot of dust)

PFS is not a standard you may have just gotten silty, small or light sand. That stuff is dirt(or sand in this case) cheap. Keep our eye out for some more grainy PFS... throw the old sand away and do a wipe down, filter clean and 100% water change. This time esnure you rinse the sand until the water is Very clear.

Good luck bud.

09-01-2011, 11:10 AM
It's no problem now, I'm getting rid of tank

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09-01-2011, 12:26 PM
It's no problem now, I'm getting rid of tank

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09-01-2011, 01:08 PM

Starting college and don't have time. I bought a adg mini tank and will be raising shrimp. Once I get used to college routine then I'll set it back up, probably with altum angels though instead

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09-01-2011, 01:16 PM
Gotcha...If you need a source for healthy shrimp, holler, and good luck...Gary

09-01-2011, 01:20 PM
Gotcha...If you need a source for healthy shrimp, holler, and good luck...Gary
Sounds good ill get with you in a week or so. Just crs or do you have different kinds?

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09-01-2011, 02:31 PM
Even dirty/dusty sand would have been cleaned long ago with all the WC's unless the whole bag was superfine. I've dumped a whole bag of dirty play sand in a tank....filled it, did a couple big WC, put a sponge on the filter intake and cranked it up. Water was crystal clear in 2-3 weeks....

I'd guess too much flow is keeping sand in the water column or underfiltered. You mentioned brown slime in the filter....that crap can seriously reduce water flow and when i;ve gotten it, it comes back very quickly. May need to clean the filter media weekly until it clears.

All irrelevant tho since ur tearing it down i guess

09-01-2011, 03:00 PM
For sale, I'm a crystal red person..

09-02-2011, 01:15 AM
I just skimmed this thread so not sure if it was mentioned.
"Diatom Filter”
For 1 hour and your tank is crystal clear. If it is a filter issue it will be back though.
If it is fine sand it will be taken care of in a few days or more depending on how much is in there.
It was a hassle for me to set it up but others had no problem at all to get the siphon going.
I don’t know if it is still available. The second best thing would be a H. O. B. with micron cartridge.


09-24-2011, 03:02 PM
purigen works good for clearing my water