View Full Version : Worming discus

06-04-2011, 04:05 PM
Hi everyone. Was wondering should I treat my discus for worms every month or just when I see they have a problem. What's the best stuff out there to use I'n England?

06-04-2011, 04:25 PM
Since you're in Plymouth area and should visit Plymouth Discus.....they have the Kusuri Dewormer Plus for discus....

Wormer Plus is a Flubendazole-based medication, effective for use against gill flukes, body flukes and intestinal helminths, Wormer Plus can be used at any temperature and will not harm plants. Safe to use on all tropical fish including stingrays, puffer fish and one week old fish fry. It is recommended to treat any discus, or other aquarium fish, once a month every month for trouble-free fish keeping. If fish become stressed, their natural immunity is compromised and worms can take hold. A sure sign of worms is if the fish is wafer thin, sometimes dark in colour, yet still feeding.

Use 0.3g, or one level 0.5ml scoop (included), per 30 gallons (114 Litres) of aquarium water. This is designed as a one-off treatment, but may require a second dose after 4 days in heavy infestations, or using to cure gill flukes.


Have a look at their site.
