View Full Version : test test .... is this thing on? Oh hi!

06-06-2011, 10:21 PM
Ok, lets see what this button does CLUNK

All the friends in 48 gallon Euro QT - 2 Adults , 10 new HANS Super Hungry Discus


Hey is that REAL Snake Skin?


Santarem Claus?


pigeon red




santarem again


snake skin x flachen again


I don't wanna make Skip jealous, so we'll just pretend there aren't any Fired Reds in there.
Ooops, I saw one in the family portrait. Drat!

Hans, thank you so very much! They come to the tank and demand food. So cute.


06-06-2011, 10:29 PM
Ok, lets see what this button does CLUNK
I don't wanna make Skip jealous, so we'll just pretend there aren't any Fired Reds in there.
Ooops, I saw one in the family portrait. Drat!


06-06-2011, 11:31 PM
That's ok he will get his reds tomorrow. I get to babysit them for a few hours. Of course I have some fish coming as well. Just I work from home so easy for me to be home to receive them.

06-07-2011, 12:02 AM
Good start .. nice looking fish

06-08-2011, 07:50 AM
They're obviously healthy and you are happy with them and that's all that counts.

06-08-2011, 07:15 PM
I see nothing but full bellies myself and good colors and patterns just coming in. And like you said, they are still growing and you are happy with them and thats what matters most.

06-09-2011, 04:29 AM
Folks I have deleted a number of posts from this thread. Decula did not ask for a critique of the new fish and there is no need for personal attacks of any sort or any form.

Please stay on topic, thanks.

06-09-2011, 09:18 AM
Decula, how are your kids doing? Mine are starting to settle in fine. They are still skiddish when I do water changes but are starting to come out from behind my Spong filter more now. They still don't like the light though....

06-09-2011, 11:47 AM
Nice looking discus!!! Good luck growing them out making them fat and round!!! LOLS!

06-09-2011, 12:55 PM
I see nothing but full bellies myself and good colors and patterns just coming in. And like you said, they are still growing and you are happy with them and thats what matters most.

Thank you, Matt! I have a stunted guy in another tank - he's nearly 2 years old. It's a shame, but we still like him.

Funny thing - the 2 adults in that tank only like BH flakes. The kids are used to Hans' BH. I feed the adults after the
juvies - the little guys are already happy to snag any flakes they can get even with full bellies.


06-09-2011, 01:01 PM
Folks I have deleted a number of posts from this thread. Decula did not ask for a critique of the new fish and there is no need for personal attacks of any sort or any form.

Please stay on topic, thanks.

Paul, thanks. I would have tagged the thread with Rate My Fish if I was asking for evals.
They aren't ready for that and neither are my photo skills :)


06-09-2011, 01:03 PM
They look fine Dec, don't let anybody discourage you.

06-09-2011, 01:08 PM
Decula, how are your kids doing? Mine are starting to settle in fine. They are still skiddish when I do water changes but are starting to come out from behind my Spong filter more now. They still don't like the light though....

Actually, I couldn't ask for better, Cambik. I think having the 2 bigger fish with them
is helping. Those 2 are happier, less shoving and biting, and the babies ....
the mostly bags of meat walking by the tank are just things to beg food from :)

you selected a lot of the same type we did - this is going to be fun to watch.


06-09-2011, 01:14 PM
Nice looking discus!!! Good luck growing them out making them fat and round!!! LOLS!

Thank you, Wendy!

06-09-2011, 01:16 PM
They look fine Dec, don't let anybody discourage you.

Thank you, MSD. Much appreciated.


06-09-2011, 01:43 PM
Actually, I couldn't ask for better, Cambik. I think having the 2 bigger fish with them
is helping. Those 2 are happier, less shoving and biting, and the babies ....
the mostly bags of meat walking by the tank are just things to beg food from :)

you selected a lot of the same type we did - this is going to be fun to watch.


Yeah I did end up getting two 4" Fire Reds, so I have the same type of situation. 2 4 inch and 5 3 inch kids. They do all seem to get along and the bigger ones arn't even trying to hog the food which is good.

06-09-2011, 02:38 PM
Nice fish Decula! It's really hard to get pics with proper perspective in a bow front tank, so I tend to look past that and just "see the fish". Love the strains you chose!

I'm about to order more from Hans and I was a wee bit worried about purchasing 4" fish since mine have gotten so huge, but thanks to this thread I'm thinking that they'll do fine. Actually, I have one who isn't stunted (yet), but he hasn't grown nearly as fast as the rest and I think he'd be happy to have some fish around his own size to hang with. He really doesn't feel comfortable hanging with the nearly 6"'ers and the other guy who is smaller is the exclusive property of the alpha fish.

06-09-2011, 04:27 PM
Nice fishes Dec :) :) :) I like the variety you've got there!

It Seems a lot of people are getting Discus Hans fish lately, eh? I'm getting a group of 8 from him in the next week or so too lol WoOt!