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View Full Version : What eats Algae in a planted/discus tank?

06-09-2011, 11:54 AM
Hello friends,

I have been having some algae issues in my planted/discus tank (95 gal). I am getting green algae and some brown hair-type algae. I have a couple albino bristle-nose plecos, but they don't seem to be doing a good job.

I was told to add some SAE (Siamese algae eater) but from what I have read here at SD a few different times, although a good fish for algae, they will however bother the discus because of their fast movements in the water and possibly eating the slime off the fish. Now that I have about 3 young pairs spawing in my tank, I don't want something to disturb them. Is there any other alternatives?

My tank is running pressurized co2, CF lighting, RO water (10% tap), TDS 125/140.

06-09-2011, 01:14 PM
Maybe try a different BN pleco? I have a brown one, only 2" long, and he has eaten almost every bit of algae in my 125 gal discus tank in about 2 weeks. The wood and live plants were covered and they are all bare now, he is working on the glass and filtering equipment now. Of course, I siphon a large amount of algaepoo, as I call it, from the tank bottom every evening. He is an eating machine!

Northwoods Discus
06-09-2011, 01:21 PM
Younger algae eating fish do a good job, as they get older they get lazy and eat more food. SAE are good when they are young. Larger ones not so much. I have one SAE that is around 13 years old. Then try to catch those buggers to remove them.
Your water change routine may need adjustment. More water changed reduces the amount of nutrients available for algae growth. Less light. It becomes a balancing act esp. in a planted tank with CO2. Ottos are good at algae eating, they stay small but I have had some attack the discus and removed those.

06-09-2011, 01:52 PM
Thanks everyone for the advice. I change about 70% once a week on the water. For discus they sure love it.

Any SD members sell PN Plecos?

06-09-2011, 02:39 PM
Someone was selling Long Fin ABN for $5 in TPT.

06-09-2011, 05:31 PM
Otto Car is also good but you need 4 to 6 of them in one 125. They are so peaceful that they cant even harm a little shrimp. And they will take care of ur plants, woods, stones and glass.

06-09-2011, 08:55 PM
I will find some otto's then

06-10-2011, 06:09 PM
And long fins are expensive they r mainly kept as show fish rather than working... and btw its Otto Cat not car, spelling mistake, my apology