View Full Version : Another Aged Water Question

06-13-2011, 07:28 AM
Hello friends,

After doing some testing, I have noticed that my phosphates have gone up a bit in my aging barrels from the acid buffer. This in turn has caused a problem with brown/green algae in my aquariums.

My water from the RO before aging (aeration) has a low ph of 6.2/6.3. After 24 hours aging, ph shoots up to 8.0 or higher this is the reason for the Seachem acid buffer. My TDS is stable with 80/20 RO/Tap between 80 to 100. I use a powerhead for movement in the barrels and temp is about 84. I clean barrels once a month and never a sign of anything growing in the barrels.

So my question is, should I stop the aeration in order to maintain a lower ph without adding buffers? I know for my planted/discus tank with CO2 the CO2 will help bring down the ph, but not for the rest of my tanks. I have not had a problem until the past couple of months after I changed my RO filters.

I have tested the RO from the filter and all is good, kh 1, gh 1-2, ph as mentioned 6.2/6.3, TDS 2-4 range. Tap water ph is about 7.5.

Thanks you!

06-13-2011, 10:50 AM
Regardless of whether you age or not the ph is going to eventually stabilize in your tank. Therefore, if you don't age you water your fish are going to go through the swings of the ph, hence the reason we age. Why do you need to lower the ph? I've been running a ph north of 8.0 for years with no adverse effect? Also, as I mentioned in your previous post..using a phosphate buffer will cause your diatoms to increase significantly; therefore, causing massive algae blooms.


06-13-2011, 11:03 AM
Thanks Ray,

I wanted to maintain a stable ph all around for both fish and plants. I noticed my plants did better with a lower ph.

I know for home raised discus (non-wilds) ph is not a big factor, but I eventually want to get some wilds and the ph can from what I have read make a difference on their growing and breeding. Correct me if I am wrong. I know people have argued the ph before but acidic water is better based on all the water parameters for discus along with a low TDS.

06-13-2011, 01:49 PM
Hi Jeff,
I've raised my wilds in high alkaline water with no issues whatsoever. Growouts, in my experience, have done better in hard water..including my wilds. However, if your intent is to breed, than you need to shoot for a low tds and soft water.


06-13-2011, 03:12 PM
Thank you Ray!