View Full Version : swapping large gravel for sand in a display tank - will I have cycling issues

06-14-2011, 07:38 PM
Just wanted to see if someone has already do this to see what I would be in for if I do the swap.

In my 150 the gravel is to big to clean it as good as I want so if I pull the fish and do the swap with sand or real small gravel will my established Marineland C530 and Eheim 2224 pick up the slack?

Both the filters are biological running for 6 months with the C530 having tray one - two sponges, ceramics in tray two, bio balls in tray three and ceramics in tray 4. Eheim is pretty much the same on just a smaller scale.

Am I in for a mini cycle?

06-15-2011, 10:59 AM
Just actually went thru this with girlfriends fifty gal tank because she wanted pretty natural gravel instead of the orange crap she had .. maybe had something to do with me shaking my head all the time when looked at it lol I checked all her parameters before then after and she did go thru a mini cycle for filter to catch up with extra bacteria and new gravel I imagine .. I had couple hydro sponges seeded in my 135 gal and put them in her tank next day and treated with seachems stability as well for week and after couple days everything was back to normal .. we slowly removed sponges .. first one then next week the other .. few partial water changes along the way all was good .. hope this helps alittle .

06-15-2011, 11:15 AM
Thanks James, that's the info I was looking for including how long the mini cycle took.

It's appreciated!

06-15-2011, 11:37 AM
I also did the same thing a while back in a 125g. I've got two canisters, Eheim 2026 and 2028, and I went through a mini-cycle. It was no problem on the fish, I did daily w/c's. good luck. -Don

06-15-2011, 12:23 PM
Thanks Don, how long did the mini-cycle run?

06-15-2011, 12:53 PM
Thanks Don, how long did the mini-cycle run?

I don't really remember, but not very long, certainly not as long as a fishless cycle. Maybe 10 days? 7? Pretty fast. Just test daily and change water daily and you'll have no problem. BTW, when I changed out substrate, I did it with the fish still in the tank! No problems, I just took out about 50% of the water, then scooped out the old stuff, and carefully put in the new stuff. Good luck!

06-15-2011, 02:20 PM
Well you both talked me into it and since I'm already doing daily water changes it should be that much different than any other day.

I appreciate the insight!

06-28-2011, 08:46 AM
After a couple weeks I wanted to follow up on the swap.

I pulled all the fish adding tank water to a brute trash can, heater and air stone. Once everyone was safely tucked away I pulled the old gravel and added new, smaller almost sand size.

Refilled the tank using aged and RO (and a little from the brute) back into the tank and landscaped. Fish went back into the tank and everyone did great right away. Two pairs laid eggs and everyone ate like pigs.

I over filter the tank with a Marineland C530 and an Eheim 2224 so I didn't see a mini cycle.

All and all it went better than I expected and the tank is about 100% easier to clean!

06-28-2011, 01:23 PM
good news. Glad to hear it. -Don

07-18-2011, 12:55 PM
I am thinking of doing the same. I want to replace my blue gravels with white sands to reduce my PB peppering. Is that a good/bad idea?

Would white sand be a good choice for planted tank? When you vaccum, will sands get sucked up?

Atitagain, what do you mean by "the tank is about 100% easier to clean!"

07-18-2011, 01:08 PM
Atitagain, what do you mean by "the tank is about 100% easier to clean!"

I went with Michigan Flint rock which is a real small gravel, close to sand but not that fine. Vacuuming the bottom with my python now is a walk in the park and I can get it supper clean, that is for not having a tank other than BB. The python will lift and clean the waste but not pull any of the substrate out of the tank.

07-18-2011, 11:11 PM
will dark brown algae grew on the sand or sand-like gravel? will algae eaters still pick algae from that?

08-15-2011, 05:00 PM
I just did the same to my 55gal when i moved houses last month, changed a mixture of gravel to fine white sand, but be careful the sand i bought said on package not to add fish for at least 48hrs after adding the sand. but now everytime i come in the room they are having fun and exploring but once im in the room they kinda hudle up and chill in one spot and just keep their eyes on me like their nervous.