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View Full Version : NJDM Induction Meeting - Al Sabetta A.K.A - "The Brew"

06-21-2011, 09:15 PM

The "New Jersey Discus Mafia" - AKA - NJDM, held it's induction meeting this evening oficialy ractifying Al Sabetta as a member of the private Inner Sanctum of the NJDM.

From this day on he shall no longer be called Al Sabetta or Brewmaster. His one and only designation will be:


Hereby declared and dictated signed,

Rod Clement - Co-Founder & Cook
Bob Balough - Co-Founder & Enforcer
Marc Lovitch - Director & Financial Director
Marc's Son - (INSERT NAME HERE SINCE MY MEMORY HAS HIT THE FAN) - Member in training

Pictures of the cerimony follow...

First Al had to pass the fish catching test, he must net 4 discus in a single swoop using a red plastic cup...success!


Judge Marc's Son (Insert name here!) watches on!


At this point Tina showed up and decided we needed to have a party to celebrate! Off we went...


No one knows how or why but this guy showed up and things got weird...



Some of Tina's friend came home with us...


When it was all over somehow, someone stole my carpet and half of my couch!!!


Dog was last seen chasing a deer...


And I was left with this...


Now I have to get some pain medication and go count the fish in my tanks...I don't know if "The Brew" took them or if Tyson ate them...Has anyone seen my dog???

NJDM Founding Member - fogetabouit!

06-21-2011, 09:18 PM
LOLS!!! It looks like it was fun!

06-21-2011, 10:15 PM
Oh...and Marc's son's name is Evan!!!

Next induction will be of Mr. Ashay AKA "HIS ROYAL SHAYNESS" We just to clear customs with the gorillas and two elefants before the party starts!


06-22-2011, 09:22 AM
Oh...and Marc's son's name is Evan!!!

Next induction will be of Mr. Ashay AKA "HIS ROYAL SHAYNESS" We just to clear customs with the gorillas and two elefants before the party starts!


Let the party begin.... I AM BACK.....

Larry Bugg
06-22-2011, 09:42 AM
Dang, now I am going to open all your post with the anticipation of seeing Tina and her friends.

06-22-2011, 11:05 AM
Let the party begin.... I AM BACK.....

He is back!!! I'll start planing!!!! We will see what we can do to top this one, the elefants didn't fit in my back yard...


06-22-2011, 02:13 PM
He is back!!! I'll start planing!!!! We will see what we can do to top this one, the elefants didn't fit in my back yard...


All I ask for is a steak, Rum and a cigar :)

06-22-2011, 03:26 PM
Oh man, I am so glad my wife doesn't read this forum ! :) So much for " what goes on in Jersey stays in Jersey! :) LOL>..Just kidding of Course. I didn't take the carpet man...swear it..I did however score 5 great discus and had a GREAT GREAT Time..:bandana:

Rod is the man for Cooking and of course he definetly has the Jersey Contacts. Thanks for an awesome time guys. I am honored to be part of The "New Jersey Discus Mafia" - AKA - NJDM, and I will do my best to uphold the policies of the Inner Sanctum...Once I learn what they are.:)

and Rod, Please do bring invite Tina and her friends to any of our Discus Meetings! I really enjoyed meeting them down there.;):D:D:D:D

tanks again NJDM for allowing me to join up.


06-22-2011, 03:39 PM
"The Brew"

What you don't know won't hurt you! The policies are there, that's it, just accept it and move on!
The NJDM never brings food to a party, so if you guys organize anything up there in the Badlands, you will need to provide your own set of Tina's Friends...AKA gouma's!

"The Rod"

06-22-2011, 03:50 PM
fedex just showed up I have your couch !!! whats it worth to ya!

06-22-2011, 03:52 PM
fedex just showed up I have your couch !!! whats it worth to ya!

:) Keep the couch! I want my carpet back!!! Funny story, one of the rooms is getting new carpets so the floor is currently bare plywood...Marc walks in and looks at the floor and I ask him..."How do you like my new hardwood floor?" I think it took him a coupl eof seconds to realize that I was joking!


06-22-2011, 04:01 PM
lol.....he he he!

06-22-2011, 05:49 PM
Great post, Rod, thanks for sharing! It looked like Al was getting ready to drink some discus water in that red cup -- next time you better get Brew a brew!

It's a good thing NOVA isn't closer to NJ, I'd have to start thinking about crashing your party! LOL.