View Full Version : anyone ever see 10% flubendazole not kill snails?

06-22-2011, 08:14 PM
I have a newer bottle of 10% flubendazole that after 1 1/8 tsp, 1 1/4tsp w/dmso and another 1/4 tsp straight not affect snails in a plant propagating tank I have.
Any other time I used fluben to treat flukes, it also always wiped snails out 100%.

06-23-2011, 11:10 AM
How old is your flubendazole? My experience with it is that it looses strength with age. Especially if it's over a year old.

Darrell Ward
06-23-2011, 11:20 AM
If you're talking about those tiny pond snails that always seem to come free with plants, that doesn't surprise me. Those things can be practically indestructible. I've seen the them survive Coppersafe doses for external parasites that should had killed them as well. Go figure? :confused:

06-23-2011, 05:18 PM
How old is your flubendazole? My experience with it is that it looses strength with age. Especially if it's over a year old.

I bought it about 2 months ago.

06-23-2011, 05:21 PM
If you're talking about those tiny pond snails that always seem to come free with plants, that doesn't surprise me. Those things can be practically indestructible. I've seen the them survive Coppersafe doses for external parasites that should had killed them as well. Go figure? :confused:

Ive had them live through copper before too but never flub. I am wondering about the quality of the flub. I had levamosile wipe out my bio awhile back and it's not supposed to do that so I am having doubts about the quality of the meds I have been getting lately

06-23-2011, 08:45 PM
Drug quality was the other aspect I was also wondering about. Who knows were the supplier got it or how he handled it before he shipped it to you.

06-23-2011, 08:46 PM
Ive had them live through copper before too but never flub. I am wondering about the quality of the flub. I had levamosile wipe out my bio awhile back and it's not supposed to do that so I am having doubts about the quality of the meds I have been getting lately

Did you get the flub and levam from the same source? I only know of one place to get the 10% flub and that's from the Dr associated with killies.

06-24-2011, 06:55 AM
Did you get the flub and levam from the same source? I only know of one place to get the 10% flub and that's from the Dr associated with killies.


06-25-2011, 02:54 PM
I have never had any luck killing snails with flubendazole and I get mine from Charles Harrison, too. We have known each other for years as I am a member of the American Killiefish Association. Been a member off and on since 1968.
I know the drug is fine because I use it as part of my initial treatment of all new wild Discus and Plecos for years.
Just a pinch in a 20 gal tank will wipe out a heavy infestation of Hydra within a week.
Snails are really hard to kill. I gave up trying years ago. My main problem snails are Pond Snails and Malayan Trumpet Snails. I bet if I used it in a tank containing an expensive snail it would kill them. Seems like that is how things usually go.

06-25-2011, 10:45 PM
I can't seem to kill Malaysians, but the typical pond snails die pretty quickly if you toss some seachem paraguard in the tank. I used it in my heavily planted tank. Next day, dead snails everywhere.

06-26-2011, 08:44 AM
Anytime I have ever used flubendazole in the past not one snail ever survived. I have used it in planted tanks just to kill snails and in 2 days never see any more. has worked I would say at least 5 times before. could be fine but imo when something stops working that always did before somethings up.

07-01-2011, 06:48 AM
finally killed snails.. took 2 more doses at 1/4 tsp per 10 gal.

07-18-2011, 10:27 PM
Update I found nematodes in a tank I am doing a fish less cycle on. I know they come from municipal water. I treated with the flubendazole for 3 days not one died. I treated the tank with some 3 year old piperazine and about 12 hrs later all were dead. Tells me somethings up with the flubendazole!

08-28-2012, 12:28 AM
I can't seem to kill Malaysians, but the typical pond snails die pretty quickly if you toss some seachem paraguard in the tank. I used it in my heavily planted tank. Next day, dead snails everywhere.

Oh my, why would you want to kill us Malaysians? :D
To be fair I think the best way is to get some loaches to stress them out so much that they can't get out of the soil to eat.

08-28-2012, 02:01 AM
Why kill Malaysians...hmmm, cuz those danged things breed faster than rabbits and mine are SO fast to get out of the sand that they steal perfectly good food from my discus! LOL

I've finally resorted to controlling the population by siphoning out a dozen at a time with each water change. And no, I do not overfeed my tank, they just truly love my hard as nails water. Ever see one them latch onto the sides of a discus at night when the fish are sleeping? I have!