View Full Version : Artificial albino rearing

06-25-2011, 05:52 AM
Hi fellow simply members,
I have reared non albino fry artificially before and have had no problems except for the higher workload. This week have tried to artificially raise some albino fry for the first time but have come up against a small hurdle, I've noticed the albino fry when they hatch are about half the size of non albino fry. Usually i would start them straight off on bbs but obviously cannot do that with the albinos. Have tried with the dried egg mixture but i think the albino fry may be alot weaker and it looks as though not many will make it.
Has anyone else noticed this with albinos and is there any tips you could give to maybe help me get them through the first feeding next time?

Any help appreciated
regards Ross

06-25-2011, 10:06 AM
Have you had a read through the albino breeding think tank thread in the sticky section? There might be something there. I tried to raise artifically and had no luck, but I have no other experience raising artifically. If Cliff doesn't see this you might want to pm him. My experience trying artificially was that the albino fry always started strong, but didn't seem to feed and in a few days from free swimming, apparently starved. What variety of albino? Just curious.

06-25-2011, 10:52 AM
They are albino ckeckered pigeons, I have some other pigeon blood fry the same age going strong starting to eat already. I have read through the think tank thread but wasn't much there about artificial rearing. I have another batch of eggs laid today so will see how they go. I think i will PM Cliff in the morning. It's 1am here and i'm knackered. Thanks for the reply

06-25-2011, 01:37 PM
Contact Pardal, he has artificially reared albino's and a really good guy I am sure he could give you some good advice!!!