View Full Version : How do discus sleep?

07-01-2011, 12:32 PM
Hi guys,

I usually stay up very late may be till 2 or 3 am. Since i have room light on, i don't think my discus are able to sleep. Also, sun rise at 6 in the morning and hit my living room right away. So

I am wondering how do discus sleep?
Does anyone have pictures or clips of them sleeping?
At what condition will they go to sleep? Does tank need to be totally dark?

Sean Buehrle
07-01-2011, 01:33 PM
Yeah they sleep. nobody has any night vision video.

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07-01-2011, 01:33 PM
Fish don't sleep the same way we do. They're always on a somewhat alert status. When they have low activity and they just kind of 'hover' they're probably sleeping. I've seen my fish 'sleep' when the lights are on (b/c sometimes I stay up all hours of the night or forget to turn light off).

With that being said, I could be wrong about their sleep. Hard to tell, but if you watch your fish enough, you tend to notice the low activity. Plus, if I decide to feed them, they totally ignore the food (out of character for them during the day).

07-01-2011, 01:48 PM
well.. they do drop when you turn the lights on in the morning..

07-01-2011, 01:55 PM
if you have the tank light off and say you have a monitor on facing the other way you can sorta make out how they sleep its cute. Cause i usually stay up till 2AM also so i can usually see them sleep when my monitor light is on. I usually do this and stay pretty far away. They'll usually fan out to each of their own little section that they want to sleep in and tilt a 45 degree angle or so. Its really cute

07-01-2011, 02:15 PM
Just like everybody eyes wide shut open. (lol)

07-03-2011, 10:52 PM
Like Eric said, Discus do not sleep as we know it. They remain at least alert enough to react to danger.

07-03-2011, 11:01 PM
I have noticed my discus don't sleep if there is any activity in the room. Sometimes when I get home late and turn the lights on for feeding they look like they are on auto pilot and I have to wait a couple minutes before feeding or they won't even notice the food in the tank.

07-06-2011, 12:01 PM
As far as sleeping goes, here is what I've noticed.

For my domestics, I usually notice that they have very little movement and on many occasion, they may even lay on an angle.

For the Heckles, they glide. I bet that has a lot to do with being in the biotype they are at and being still is probably going to turn them into other fish meal.

07-07-2011, 11:38 AM
Shortly after I first got my tank, I happened to come home around 5 in the morning and I decided to take a quick peek in the tank. The lights were off on the tank and I was really intrigued to see my guys all floating in slumber. Then, I noticed that one of the fish was laying sideways against a plant. I was convinced that I had somehow killed it. I kneeled down and got my face close to the tank to get a better look...

...and you can guess what happened. The fish freaked out and swam all over the tank in a panic! I guess he had been "asleep" and I had rudely awakened him.