View Full Version : Do discus throw up?

07-11-2011, 06:15 PM
Something weird just happend in my 80g tank with 5 wild discus. One of them just "threw up", expelling a huge quantity of small particles of what appears to be residues of flake food. I have never seen that. The fish look fine and healthy. Is it that a sign of illness? Any ideas?

07-11-2011, 07:33 PM
Was this as it was eating, like taking a bite and spitting it back out? (If you're raising wilds you're probably already familiar with this behavior, but I figured I'd ask.)

07-11-2011, 09:14 PM
Was this as it was eating, like taking a bite and spitting it back out? (If you're raising wilds you're probably already familiar with this behavior, but I figured I'd ask.)

Nope, the "incident"took place almost two hours after feeding! Really strange. And this fish looks great, great colors, no sign of illness. Has anyone seen this?

07-11-2011, 10:04 PM
it happened to one of my fish once also right after a water change last week. i think it was caused by my tap water having too big of a difference in pH to my tank water (or something else in the tap water). i've been doing 80% WC's straight from the tap and adding water conditioner to the tank prior to the new water for two months now, and my fish had been doing fine until last week when one threw up, one turned dark, and one had diarrhea. since then, i toned down my water change to 20% every other day, and my fish have been doing fine.