View Full Version : Slightly "odd" request...

07-14-2011, 10:27 AM
Hey guys, I wanted to post this in the "wilds" section because I guess it will fit here best, and hopefully be viewed seriously.

Besides being a discus lover, I am also a competition taxidermist. That simply means that I don't normally mount specimens for others anymore, but only do artistic mounts that are entered in competition.

For my next project I would like to present a realistic Amazon "biotope" mount with a group of 6 to 10 wild discus gathered beneath some roots. What I'm hoping is that some of you would have (or will have) some larger discus that succumbed to some illness and passed away. I realize most of you probably don't "keep" such specimens in your freezer (unless you're like me), but if you happen to lose any nice Heckles or Tefes in the 6 to 7 in. range over the next few months, I'd appreciate it if you would contact me. It's very easy to send specimens by mail with little special packing. I, of course, would pay for shipping (and packing) if you're willing to help me with the project. Those of us who do this kind of thing frequently mail specimens that we aren't using to others, and it really isn't difficult.

I would only be interested in larger fish, so if you happen to lose any please consider helping me out with this.



07-14-2011, 11:15 AM
Hey guys, I wanted to post this in the "wilds" section because I guess it will fit here best, and hopefully be viewed seriously.

Besides being a discus lover, I am also a competition taxidermist. That simply means that I don't normally mount specimens for others anymore, but only do artistic mounts that are entered in competition.

For my next project I would like to present a realistic Amazon "biotope" mount with a group of 6 to 10 wild discus gathered beneath some roots. What I'm hoping is that some of you would have (or will have) some larger discus that succumbed to some illness and passed away. I realize most of you probably don't "keep" such specimens in your freezer (unless you're like me), but if you happen to lose any nice Heckles or Tefes in the 6 to 7 in. range over the next few months, I'd appreciate it if you would contact me. It's very easy to send specimens by mail with little special packing. I, of course, would pay for shipping (and packing) if you're willing to help me with the project. Those of us who do this kind of thing frequently mail specimens that we aren't using to others, and it really isn't difficult.

I would only be interested in larger fish, so if you happen to lose any please consider helping me out with this.



Great idea imo. I hunt and fish and have duck,goose,deer, and one bass mount.

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07-14-2011, 11:27 AM
Now that you bring this up I bet it would look good great idea. Just a thought you might want to contact Snook21 or Hans I am sure they have some DOA come in with shipments.

Second Hand Pat
07-14-2011, 11:27 AM
Tom, you mount fish the old fashion way using the actual fish? I would love to see pictures as you put this together. I have done bird mounts in the past.

07-14-2011, 12:24 PM
Sounds like a neat project Tom...keep us posted!

Hey Pat, I have done the Birds as well for museum specimens though...it was a long time ago..we would use white cornmeal to dry them out..(sorry tom, not trying to steal the thread)


07-14-2011, 12:32 PM
I've actually thought of this before. But i'm not a taxidermist so the idea has always been pushed to the back burner. I'd love to actually own something like that, or I'd love to see someone create that. I don't hope to have any pass, but if they do I will save them.

Second Hand Pat
07-14-2011, 12:33 PM
Al, I use borax to dry the skin on the birds and snakes too...with borax you want to finish the mount before borax totally dries the skin out. My favorite bird to work with are quail. Big enough to work with and a beautiful bird to boot. You ever do ducks? I would skin them but could not figure out how to get rid of the fat layer. Sorry Tom.

07-14-2011, 01:00 PM
Al, I use borax to dry the skin on the birds and snakes too...with borax you want to finish the mount before borax totally dries the skin out. My favorite bird to work with are quail. Big enough to work with and a beautiful bird to boot. You ever do ducks? I would skin them but could not figure out how to get rid of the fat layer. Sorry Tom.

When doing ducks you put the borax and use a spoon and rub the fat off, never pull it. Scalpel works to but a tad more tedious.

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07-14-2011, 01:19 PM
I'd love to actually own something like that, or I'd love to see someone create that

:confused: I guess some people are just tired of WCs :grin:

07-14-2011, 01:50 PM
Lol not at all, I just think it'd be a cool piece. Especially hanging in the fishroom or something.

07-14-2011, 04:53 PM
Thanks guys for the support, hopefully I'll be able to collect enough...

Now that you bring this up I bet it would look good great idea. Just a thought you might want to contact Snook21 or Hans I am sure they have some DOA come in with shipments.

I will definitely contact them. As you say, they're bound to have some DOA's that they trash.

Tom, you mount fish the old fashion way using the actual fish? I would love to see pictures as you put this together. I have done bird mounts in the past.

I use the casting method. I make a plaster cast of the fish, preserve the skin, and then place the skin in the mold and fill it with paper-mache filler. That gives the actual size, girth, etc. of the original fish.

Al, I use borax to dry the skin on the birds and snakes too...with borax you want to finish the mount before borax totally dries the skin out. My favorite bird to work with are quail. Big enough to work with and a beautiful bird to boot. You ever do ducks? I would skin them but could not figure out how to get rid of the fat layer. Sorry Tom.

I do lots of quail. They're a great "beginner's" bird. If your skin dries, you can soak it in a borax/water solution for a couple of hours to soften it. The feathers can be dried out with a blow drier after mounting. Ducks are tricky and it is important to remove the fat. I use cornmeal to soak up fat and a soft wire brush wheel (machine), but you can use a soft metal cleaning brush. Brush over the quill ends with the grain very easily so as not to rip through the thin skin. Wash with Dawn detergent to get all the fat out before mounting. Borax is sufficient for ducks as well.





Lol not at all, I just think it'd be a cool piece. Especially hanging in the fishroom or something.

Imagine a wall hanging of really twisted roots and discus fish swimming around and hiding in pockets.. just over the aquarium... cool!

07-14-2011, 05:09 PM
I just had a gorgeous Red Alenquer die. You want it?

This is what it looked like alive:
http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/263629_1928468504532_1626790161_1895937_4866360_n. jpg

07-14-2011, 05:10 PM
That bobcat is great! Do you keep all of your competition mounts you do?

When I think about it I picture something along these lines. A whole scene with the discus like you described.

07-14-2011, 06:51 PM
[QUOTE=Discus-n00b;784814]That bobcat is great! Do you keep all of your competition mounts you do?

When I think about it I picture something along these lines. A whole scene with the discus like you described.

Thanks Matt.. no, I usually only keep the ones that win a ribbon... and not all of those. Some are auctioned on Ebay, and others go to folks who contact me at shows and tell me they want to buy it for their lodge, etc.


This is one I'm finishing now, a bobcat jumping up and bringing down a pheasant. Still need to do the base.


07-14-2011, 06:55 PM
I just had a gorgeous Red Alenquer die. You want it?

This is what it looked like alive:
http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/263629_1928468504532_1626790161_1895937_4866360_n. jpg

Thanks Melissa, I'd love to have him. He looks like he's about 6". ? Sorry you lost him, he really was pretty. I'll PM you and we can talk about how to work out getting him to me.


William Palumbo
07-14-2011, 07:06 PM
Great work Discolicious!...I do reproduction fish replicas. I believe I have some frozen Heckels, as I was going to make molds and casting, and airbrush for a display like you mentioned...tho I think they are smaller than the size you want...Bill

07-14-2011, 07:55 PM
Great work Discolicious!...I do reproduction fish replicas. I believe I have some frozen Heckels, as I was going to make molds and casting, and airbrush for a display like you mentioned...tho I think they are smaller than the size you want...Bill

Wow, Bill, I didn't think so many of us dabbled in this kind of thing. I'd love to see some of your replicas. Unfortunately, for competition, I need them to be fairly large and impressive as they will go up against some pretty large pieces. If you find you do have any that are at least 6", I'd love to have them. There is a category for replicas too and most of the time you can't tell them from the real thing.

Second Hand Pat
07-14-2011, 09:01 PM
Tom, that is a great action piece you are working on with the bobcat and pheasant. All the birds I had for mounting was lost in the 2004 hurricanes which hit central Florida. I have several ducks, few quail and a deer skin. Lost power for a total of three weeks over a six week period.

07-15-2011, 05:25 AM
Pat, I know how that is.. YUCK! I had a similar thing happen years ago when my freezer went out while I was on a week long mission trip to Honduras. The worst part was that it was filled with customers' mounts. I lost several deer capes, fish, ducks... and LOTS of money!
