View Full Version : WC

07-24-2011, 07:05 PM
When y'all are stressed to the max does it help you to do a big WC? I does me. I'm fixin' to do a huge one now. I have no idea why I'm stressed (well I have a clue). It has nothing to do with fish. The huge WC will make me feel better. Are any of y'all the same or am I alone?

07-24-2011, 07:09 PM
I find it relaxing as well, I sit there, turn the drain on and usually chill with my computer untill it's time to switch tanks...I also love the feeling once I am done and all the tanks are clean! Kinda like I did my job and the fish are happy!


07-24-2011, 07:26 PM
Just finished one myself and it was pretty hot down there in the basement.
Felt good to sweat it out and yeah, I agree.
It's a stress-buster.
Feeling real good right now.

07-24-2011, 07:37 PM
I feel that its relaxing as well as I'm working in the water since its nice and warm but the hubby he seems to stress out. LOLS!

07-24-2011, 07:42 PM
Until recently daily water changes were not necessary for me, as I had only non-discus fish. I just got a few fish from Kenny and have set to the task of growing them out. A stress relief for sure. I am a heavy equipment mechanic and work pretty hard at my job. I love to come home and take care of the fish. It really helps me unwind.

07-24-2011, 07:42 PM
When my Dad was terminally ill,not to be a downer,I found it relaxing.Didn't have to think about anything,kinda like digging a hole.

07-24-2011, 07:46 PM
Definitely, the more stressed I am the more I like it! The 150 got a good cleaning and WC this morning.

Always makes me feel better.

07-24-2011, 08:13 PM
It ususally works for me. It didn't this time. I think I'll try more physical labor outside. I did a good bit before I got rained out. Its clear again now. At least the fish got a killer WC and my female SS from Mike has her breeding tube down. I wish that my old male BD loved her just a little.

I hate it when I feel myself tipping over the edge. I should have gone to ACA.

07-24-2011, 08:21 PM
I find it relaxing doing my water changes and the jobs that go along with. Usually does the trick for me if I'm stressed or otherwise irritated. But hey Liz, if that wasn't enough to do the trick for you, I have some painting that I don't really want to do and a new tank stand that should be built. Come on over and fill your boots if it will help :)

07-24-2011, 08:29 PM
When I had 14 tanks, about 6 of which were fry/juveniles it became a job. now that I am down to 5 tanks it's "quiet time" for me.

07-24-2011, 08:39 PM
I think I'll try more physical labor outside.

Going on a long walk or a run seems to work best for my. You get away from the house for a short time to do some thinking and work out any tension.

07-24-2011, 08:57 PM
I find it relaxing doing my water changes and the jobs that go along with. Usually does the trick for me if I'm stressed or otherwise irritated. But hey Liz, if that wasn't enough to do the trick for you, I have some painting that I don't really want to do and a new tank stand that should be built. Come on over and fill your boots if it will help :)

If you were not so far away, I'd bulid the stand if I had plans or was given instruction. I despise painting. I can't figure out why. So little effort gives huge results, like pushing the mower which I love doing. Go figure...

07-24-2011, 09:01 PM
Yes, I like doing wc's too. You should see two of our cats and how they love to watch it all. As soon as they see me get out the hoses and open the front door they are right there to watch every move. One loves to watch water and poo going through the clear hose out onto the lawn. The other likes to get her paws wet if I spill anything (which happens a lot).