View Full Version : food issue

07-24-2011, 10:08 PM
hi all!

so i've had my 2 blue turks for around a month now and the LFS i got them from only feeds them FBW. i've been mixing FBW with flakes hoping that they will slowly accept flake food but all they do is pick out the FBW and spit out the flakes. any advice as to how to get them off the FBW?

also my new (snakeskins?) i bought from another source only feeds them live blackworms. i've had them for about 5 days now (in a QT tank) and they arent interested in flakes or the FBW. should i just go to the store and buy them live blackworms? i know that the owner of the store only feeds his discuses live blackworms

thanks for all your help and advice =)

07-25-2011, 12:10 AM
keep doing what you are doing.. its only been 5 days since you got them.. heck it sometimes takes over a week for them to settle down.. live blackworms are a sore subject and you will pros for feeding.. and cons NOT to feed.. you should search it.. there are several threads on this topic of black worms AND getting fish off of Frozen blood worms.. use the search feature in top right corner.. i am in middle of water change to do it for you.. .. have fun.. best of luck!

07-26-2011, 12:33 AM
thanks for your advice =)