View Full Version : Credit where Due...Thanks Ryan and Paul!

07-25-2011, 05:44 AM
Some of you may not even realize this, but this forum was hacked this past weekend. By hacked I mean an attempt was made by a malicious person to take over the forum, destroy its content, and ruin our community. It happens all the time to websites across on the web...and its happened here before, last time being several years ago. Back then we got hit hard and lost alot of content..we learned from it. Ryan, Paul, and I got together and put the pieces back together, and put things in place to prevent or at least minimize damage should we be targeted again.

That paid off big time this weekend when a hacker exploited the VB forum software and gained access to admin functions on the forum..We had everything in place to minimize the damage. As fate would have it, I was away the weekend , but we were very lucky. We had our other two (and better!!) admins here...Ryan and Paul. Together these guys stopped our hacker and restored the forum...and I can't thank them enough! Ryan and Paul...you guys ROCK ROYALLY!!!:) This was not an easy thing they did..and it took many hours of their personal time to do this.

I know at any Given Time theres many new members here and many many regular members here...Some of you don't know much about this place, others have been here so long I am sure you have just gotten used to it being there when you log in..This forum has been going strong now for close to 10 years....thats a long time as far as cyber sites go.. Its been able to do this because of the people like Ryan and Paul behind it., and our mods that help keep this site going for everyone to enjoy at no cost to you. These guys and girls involved here volunteer their time, often their nights and weekends dealing with things such as these serious ones. But even the minor issues take that time. Please remember this as you use this forum. We give you this place to use freely, and do our best to maintain it...but it doesn't happen mysteriously or unguided....There are many people involved in bringing you this site as it is.... and as the forum's owner I am extremely proud of them all....They deserve all of your respect and have all of mine.

Thanks again guys, for a job well done and for all you do that goes unnoticed.


07-25-2011, 05:55 AM

Bravo and cheers to everyone involved in keeping this awesome forum running as smoothly as possible :) :)
That said, Everyone should help support SD!!!

Go to the SimplyDiscus online store:


Or you can join The Homestead section for a fee and have your own little spot here on Simply to post about your goings on...

OR just donate, people!!! I can't recall the PayPal info though... Someone help me out?

Every little bit helps you guys, hey... Al needs some cash to go buy Ryan and Paul a drink!!! :P

07-25-2011, 07:52 AM
Jeesh! Good job there, boys!

Discus Origins
07-25-2011, 11:00 AM
Thanks for all that you do guys, I'm sure I speak for many when I say that we appreciate your labor and time to keep this forum going. You guys are the reason this is the best Discus forum around!!

07-25-2011, 11:18 AM
OR just donate, people!!! I can't recall the PayPal info though... Someone help me out?

Link is embeded in the website header, same line as New Posts, PMs, Forum FAQ, etc. It's labeled Contribute Here


My thanks go out to you Ryan and Paul (and Al of course!), you invisible masters of the mainframe. And BTW I loved the downtime message, it's always time for a water change!

07-25-2011, 12:01 PM
Of course this forum got hacked -.-

When I attempted 3 times to get on to my forum post, it said something like "Hi ___, Hacked again". So obviously someone tried to hack this forum. And OMG he was so annoying, I couldn't get on SD for like 5 hours...

07-25-2011, 01:05 PM
A few hours down time ain't nothing for something like this. Thank God we have good smart people who can set things right before real damage is done. I was around the last time it happened. All the Simply people suffered for a long time.

07-25-2011, 10:41 PM
thank you all for the hard work so that we could enjoy the forum.

Second Hand Pat
07-25-2011, 11:00 PM
Thank you again Ryan and Paul for all the hard work and time you fellows donate to this place. It is most appreciated.

07-25-2011, 11:55 PM
Thanks for everything. As a new member and Discus fan, I really appreciate all that goes into this community. :balloon: