View Full Version : any ideas on what this is?

07-25-2011, 07:26 PM
Last week I bought 2 discus from a local shop that isn't the best - but the fish looked and acted great - One developed a type of fungus (I think) and I came to this site for help - understandably you needed a picture - and when I photographed it you couldn't see it. I treated with higher temp, more water changes, and salt. Seems to be gone. Went back to that store tonight and several of his discus have the same ting on close examination. Its almost a clear haze on the right side of the body right behind his fin. Almost like silky clear haze - hard to explain - doesn't show in pics. Thanks for the help- more curious at this point.

07-25-2011, 07:31 PM
could be many things,more than likely bacterial infection starting due to dirty water.

07-25-2011, 07:57 PM
Is it likey the salt cured it? can salt kill bacteria?

07-25-2011, 09:48 PM
salt at low levels won't kill bacteria. A few times I seen a haze on the side of a discus, I put a little salt in for about 2 days and it clears. How exactly I don't know but it has worked for me a few times so that is the first thing I do when I see slight hazed areas. I think it keeps additional bacteria off them and their immune systemsare able to take care of what little is there(?)
I would think the clean water you put them in helped.