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View Full Version : Discus ordered from Hans!

08-07-2011, 09:47 AM
I wanted to add some more discus to my 6 little pigeons from joe gargas that people here have said are less than ideal ;) (hey they were only $75 shipped compared to $200 for fish from Hans) They are doing great but I think I want to add a few more more natural looking discus to a 55 gallon I am setting up for them.

I ordered 7 2.5" Stendker Alenquer discus from Hans. I was giong to get a bunch of bright colors but I think I like the natural brown look better. When they do grow up they will be going in a heavily planted tank.

Now my question, besides the usual QT process do Han's discus need any special treatments. I know they are domestic fish but For the $225 I want to be sure.

Sean Buehrle
08-07-2011, 10:23 AM
I wanted to add some more discus to my 6 little pigeons from joe gargas that people here have said are less than ideal ;) (hey they were only $75 shipped compared to $200 for fish from Hans) They are doing great but I think I want to add a few more more natural looking discus to a 55 gallon I am setting up for them.

I ordered 7 2.5" Stendker Alenquer discus from Hans. I was giong to get a bunch of bright colors but I think I like the natural brown look better. When they do grow up they will be going in a heavily planted tank.

Now my question, besides the usual QT process do Han's discus need any special treatments. I know they are domestic fish but For the $225 I want to be sure.Want to protect your investment?

I would keep hans's fish by theirself, don't mix them with your other fish.

Get a new tank going for them as soon as possible.

Yep discus are not cheap, you do get what you pay for.

Nobody is giving them away, :)

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08-07-2011, 10:29 AM
I was going to divide up a 55 gallon with egg crate and keep the pigeons in one compartment and the han's discus in another.

08-07-2011, 11:00 AM
You have to quarantine new arrivals b4 adding them to yr tank.....you're still mixing them together(cross contamination}

How to quarantine is something that is debated often, and there are no hard fast rules but some general suggestions based on what is often recommended here at SimplyDiscus by experienced hobbyists:

1) Never introduce new fish to existing stock without quarantine first. We suggest setting up a separate tank, with all separate equipment and maintaining separation from existing stock for 4-6 weeks.

2) Carefully observe fish for any problems in that time frame and deal with any issues as they arise...some will recommend prophylactically treating new fish for worms or other parasites...that is a personal choice...but we do not recommend any prophylactic treatment for possible bacterial issues...only treat these when they are confirmed. Seek qualified advice if you are not comfortable with dealing with medications.

3)MAINTAIN QUARANTINE... be careful not to accidentally break QT by using the same equipment and hoses between existing stock and QT tanks...thoroughly wash hands as well.

4) If possible, your QT tank should be in a separate room and be set up with a cycled biofilter that is derived from a fishless cycle...or at least from a tank that you know has not had any issues in the last few months.

5) When introducing new stock, take one of your least favorite existing stock(this might sound mean but there's no other way to accomplish this without adding at least one "old" fish to your new additions), and add it to the QT tank...observe for the next 2 weeks...if there is no issues that develops in the QT, then you may try to mix the groups of fish.

You can never predict what will happen when you mix two groups of fish...one or both groups may get sick, even if they looked fine before the introduction...the above are suggestions to minimize potential issues.



08-07-2011, 12:10 PM
Never mix new and old fish in a tank with no quarentine, listen to the advice given here before we all have to read your posts in the disease section...


08-07-2011, 04:26 PM
Now my question, besides the usual QT process do Han's discus need any special treatments. I know they are domestic fish but For the $225 I want to be sure.

all your discus should have the same care..

08-07-2011, 04:50 PM
I always QT for 4 weeks. I was just wondering if there was anything above and beyond the usual to do with these fish. After the QT period they will go in a split 55 gallon.

08-07-2011, 07:28 PM
Anything above and beyond for 'normal' discus care? Nope. In fact, I would bet that at least 90% of ornamental fish species would thrive at 10G per fish, 75-100% daily WC, BB tank, high quality food served in age appropriate portions and intervals, in properly heated dechlor/aged-tap water :)

08-07-2011, 07:30 PM
I always QT for 4 weeks. I was just wondering if there was anything above and beyond the usual to do with these fish. After the QT period they will go in a split 55 gallon.

So you're going to have 12 fish in a 55G? Do you have other plans for them when they're older?

I actually have 12 adult fish in a 55G (temporary) right now. I wouldn't suggest it... in fact, my pair has already pushed the other 10 to a corner behind the sponge filter.

Chipper jones
08-07-2011, 09:27 PM
If you order from Kenny or Hans you can count on getting CLEAN fish no problems that's why we order from kenny,Hans,and bill at empire discus. That's why they get good money for those fish, good fish are not cheap!

08-07-2011, 09:45 PM
So you're going to have 12 fish in a 55G? Do you have other plans for them when they're older?

I actually have 12 adult fish in a 55G (temporary) right now. I wouldn't suggest it... in fact, my pair has already pushed the other 10 to a corner behind the sponge filter.

The alenquers will go in the planted 90 gallon when they are big enough. The pigeons will stay in the 55 and it will get planted.

09-02-2011, 09:19 PM
Sounds great post some pics when you can

09-06-2011, 08:17 AM
You get what you pay for. Hans discus are healthy, happy, disease free, easy to care for from the get-go. You buy cheap discus you get problems. Take my word for it. Learned the hard way with cheap(ended up stunted or sic) discus that are no longer alive.