View Full Version : What strain/type of discus are you favorite?

08-11-2011, 03:41 AM
The husband and I are planning for our 220 gallon discus tank, we would each like to select our favorite type so we can each have our own pair. Wondering which type(s) of discus are you favorite. We are re-noobs to the planted tank and discus. Been out of the hobby for several years now and want to make sure we do it right from the start. Pictures and names of you favorite discus would be appreciated. Thanks and hope to be on here alot more as we get the plans for tank going. :)

08-11-2011, 04:12 AM

This is our tank, it is standard 8' x 2' x 2'. The sand has been removed, it was a saltwater reef tank for a while.

08-11-2011, 07:41 AM
Hello and welcome to Simply...I suggest a lot of 'boning up' on facts pertaining to your goals on this site..There's tons of archived goodies to sift thru....There are a zillion domestic strains and many wild strains available now, so the sky's the limit..It does break down into two basic schools..Bare bottom tanks for easy cleaning of juvies and adults, and planted tanks..Pertaining to Discus, planted tanks become a challenge all their own, basically suitable for full grown adults..even then it's a challenge..good luck, and enjoy the reading material..Gary

Discus Origins
08-11-2011, 09:23 AM
Nice size tank!! With a nice display tank like that, I would make it a biotope tank to replicate nature and put adult wild discus in there. No need to waste a tank like that on growing out juvenile discus bare bottom.

go to From the Source: Amazon section and there will be lots of pictures of the 3 main wild strains - Heckels, Greens and Browns/Red. You can mix strains or go with a group of same strain for more natural look. Good luck!

08-11-2011, 10:13 AM

08-11-2011, 10:14 AM

08-11-2011, 07:51 PM
Thanks for the great link Warlock, this will really help us to pick out the pattern and color we like.

We at one time had a 55g planted discus tank with homemade co2, fluval canister filter, and a 4 bulb T-5 fixture. That we didnt really plan to well. In our 220 are wanting to do soil/sand substrate for the plants, driftwood, possibly a diy background, 2 x 250w MH lighting, and co2. Still checking into the best canister filter for this large size tank. Want to do a biotope of sorts but really like the lush ground cover with driftwood and tall plant look as well. I guess we will be doing a mixed biotope lol.

I understand that this size tank can hold so many more discus than 4 or so, though we would like the tank to not have a huge bioload. would like around 50 assorted tetras and a few rams in addition to the discus. Suggestions are always welcome as we are re-noobies again to the discus. Thanks