View Full Version : Snail Outbreak

08-16-2011, 05:58 PM
Hows it going everybody??

Im setting up my discus tank again and i noticed that im starting to have a snail outbreak
and i was wondering whether or not it was alright to add my first discus to the tank (i checked all the parameters and they seem fine)
All your help is appreciated.


Chipper jones
08-16-2011, 06:33 PM
You can kill off the snails with a copper base products for aquariums,copper safe or a clown loach is best! Good luck

08-16-2011, 06:48 PM
+1 on the clown loach or get some assassin snails

Chipper jones
08-16-2011, 07:52 PM
I agree with laborelch.

08-16-2011, 09:15 PM
is a better question.. Where did the snails come from? so it doesn't happen again.. :)

Chipper jones
08-16-2011, 09:38 PM
I'll guess PLANTS. Am I right?

08-16-2011, 09:59 PM
I've purchased both a clown loach and 3 assassin snails. It seemed to work at first but they've come back with a vengeance. I'm going to have to explore other options.

08-16-2011, 11:07 PM
either use PP or Alum to treat all plants before you put them in your tank.. just a little fyi

08-16-2011, 11:21 PM
Right, we all know about hindsight.

08-16-2011, 11:24 PM
I was keeping other fish in this tank so i assume they came from then but today i did go pick up a clown loach so i hope he can do the damage im hoping for lol
BTW thanks for all your help guys i appreciate it :)

08-17-2011, 09:12 AM
I've always used yoyo loach or assasin snail to rid any snails in my tank. Takes longer with the assassin snails but they manage and then rid them all after some time.

08-17-2011, 09:29 PM
good flubendazole will wipe them and other critters out quick.

08-18-2011, 05:26 PM
Okay, so I've done this twice and it seems to work without harming discus or any of my other fish. The first time was on accident, the second time, it was on purpose.

Anyway, I dosed with Epsom salt (which apparently will paralyze the snails) and regular salt (I think FW snails just don't take well to it). at I think 1 tablespoon per 10G of salt and 1.5-2 tablespoons of epsom salt. Do this for several days to a week and it gets rid of them. Keep the loaches in there and that should eliminate the rest or speed the process up. I don't know, I didn't have loaches in there but I did have corys and plecos --- not sure if tiny immobilized are easy prey or not for these fish..

I haven't found anyone recommending this technique, it's works for me, so I don't know if it's actually the mechanism that killed them though.

So not a fan of putting salt in fish tanks, but it's got to be better than some of the other poisons people put in to kill snails. Again, not an expert here, but you could probably put a copper-based snail treatment along with this method...

again, haven't seen this treatment put anywhere so it could just be my imagination ;)

08-18-2011, 11:32 PM
I was keeping other fish in this tank so i assume they came from then but today i did go pick up a clown loach so i hope he can do the damage im hoping for lol
BTW thanks for all your help guys i appreciate it :)

Are you feeding frozen blood worms and what brand????? Snails don't come with fish,
