View Full Version : Swimming Bladder issue

08-18-2011, 01:16 PM
Hello everyone, and anyone who has some insight on the disease/sickness. I've been reading the threads regarding this and I have a couple questions? Some of you have had success using Furan-2, and I've read that you had suspended feeding, why if the fish feeds isn't that good? And last question is your treatment dosage, I have Furan-2 in capsule and have heard to use one per 10 gal., wait 24 hours then dose again? Wait another 24hrs do a 25% wc then redose, up to 4 dose's, does this sound right. Thanks in advance...............Jim in Ohio Also I got this present from a friend with discus , he thought I could help otherwise he was going to cull it.........

08-18-2011, 04:42 PM
Well, 14 views I guess I'm on my own with this one.....

08-18-2011, 04:46 PM
Never saw the first one....The reason not to feed with most meds is that it interferes with the process..They can live a long time without food, so the length of time you are treating them is insignificant...swim bladder issues are complex. So, if a dose of epsom salts doesn't help, meds usually don't either....

08-18-2011, 04:47 PM
Never used it...

What is the issue? Maybe u should fill out sick form....

And taking in a cull from someone is never good idea

08-18-2011, 04:55 PM
I've seen fish recover from head standing (not sure if it was truly swim bladder or not, but likely) using a strong Acriflavin bath and salt for a week.

08-18-2011, 05:17 PM
I treated successfully with Kanamycin for swim bladder issues before.

08-18-2011, 06:17 PM
Thanks everyone for your replies. The reasoning in taking in this potenially sick ridden discus was I do have a spare empty QT tank available. Doing favors for friends is always a good idea IMO, besides if all goes well I'll end up with a really nice discus. Okay, I now understand the holding back of food, but does the dosage's sound correct? I'm going to play this out then maybe try the salt bath's and see what developes..............Jim

08-18-2011, 06:31 PM
Nitrofurans (the group that Furan-2 belongs) are good, but weak meds primarily for external bacterial issues, not internal ones..you'll be wasting the meds and the time IMO....
If diving into meds is the way you wish to go, I'd try the Kana as suggested, or the Acriflavin, altho I haven't personally used Acriflavin for this purpose..

08-18-2011, 07:02 PM
Yes, and where can I find this Kanamycin or acriflavin, and you also stated TURQ about epsom salts. I've never heard epsom salts for bladder disorder, just for a backup in the fish to dislodge the crap.............Jim

08-18-2011, 07:12 PM
Sometimes internal issues that cause gastrointestinal distress have a direct effect on the swim bladder; it's one convoluted mechanism, a fishes insides...reliving all stress on the tract can turn around bladder issues if secondary problems haven't set in...both meds from sponsors here...

08-19-2011, 12:22 AM
I had success using Kanamycin as well. Just follow the directions.

05-30-2012, 05:37 PM

Just one of my Heckles of the bunch showed signs of head standing after a water change I had done two weeks ago. I quickly did some reading
here and read about Furan 2, since I don't have access to Kanamyacin readily. Well I want to tell you here that there was success with the treatment.
After the second dose the fish uprighted itself and was twisting and turning normally, rather than the stationary up and down rocking and heavy
breathing. I was convinced in trying it after I read a post about how it magically cured someone else's fish here on Simply. I guess Furan 2 is
a good medication for several ailments affecting fish.