View Full Version : Is this possoble?

08-18-2011, 10:51 PM
Hi friends, have been a silent member in this forum till date. Well now I feel its time to ask my own questions.

I have a 4 (L) x 2(H) x 16 in (W) tank in habitated recently by 6 2 inch WC Peruvian scalares from Rio Nannay . Well they eat a lot and feeding them tetrabits,NLS and FBW.
Water is maintained at 6.5 - 7 pH and temparature at 29 deg centigrade.

Recently I got an opportunity to get hold of some 3.5 - 4 in Peruvian greens F1s which are supposed to be descendants from WC ones from Rio Nanay river.Now its quite rare to get Wilds in our country . So donot wanna give up the chaces on having them...

So, obviously wanna seek your advice as to whether the discus can live together with the scalares?

If need be in future, will get a separate tank for them but now they have to be together.. So if you all do suggest I shall go ahead or otherwise will have to drop the plan..

08-18-2011, 10:56 PM
They can live fine together..I have F1 Greens and F1 altums....I assume you are talking some type of display/biotype?

08-18-2011, 11:10 PM
Thanks so much for your replies..

Well as of now I have the tank as a BB tank.However , will convert it slowly into a biotopic with loads of driftwoods before getting the discus to make them feel at home.. Only concerned about the discus feeding and getting bullied..