View Full Version : headstanding discus for about a month now. need a list of treatments

08-28-2011, 08:37 PM
Hello all,

i have read a ton and have found that my specific situation is not clearly explained or identified in other threads so i made a decision to make a post so at least my experience is out there in the interwebs. and i hope some helpful fellow discus lovers have some advice and a list of different treatment methods that i am able to try to treat my fish.

her name is "tiger" shes 3-4 years old. she has a mate called "griller" and hes been with us for 4-5 years. they recently had 18 fry in April and we sold 10 in may. we have 2 other discus called "glitter" and "blender". we also have neon tetras and a pleco and corydoras and some shrimp. no plants, 2 pieces of driftwood in a 200 gallon tank. water changes 2 times a week at 50% each time and feed a lot during the day for the fry.

UNTIL RECENTLY. my "tiger" was turning into a head standing position and my husband and i werent sure what was happening. did some water changes and hoped for the best.

bought some Epsom salt and did that. didn't work. after a week of that, we put her in a quarantine tank, gave her the metradonizole (or whatever its called) thing for the bladder infections and did that for a week too. the bulges on both sides of her went away and we thought that it was over and put her back in the show tank.

the bulges came back, put her back in the Quarantine tank and did the same bladder infection treatment cause it worked before, but with no success. we didn't feed her and thought that it may not be a bladder infection and was told that she might be gorging herself when she eats cause the fry eat most of it. so we decided not to feed her for a few days and see if the bulges go down.

well they haven't gone down and now i'm doing some research and found out that she is in a "head standing" state and that it might be too late for her to recover (since its been about a month now.) and i understand that, but i'd still like to try other medications before i make a decision on what to do.

I've seen a lot of people say different chemicals have worked but i don't even remember all of the names and dosages etc etc. and i think it would be nice to have it all centralized in one location to help me and to help other owners in the future.

anybody out there know what medicines to try for head standing discus besides Epsom salt?


thank you in advance and looking fwd to your responses attentively.

sorry bout the big paragraph too,

08-28-2011, 10:03 PM
I am just finishing(hopefully) going through that with a pair. Both were headstanding for about a month. Now just the male is occasionally, and his bulges are reducing in size and appetites have returned. It seems that for me, the cause was not enough clean water in by breeding system.
What worked so far has been plenty of clean water, and a treatment with Furan 2. The Epsom salts didn't help - as the bulge was too high in the body to be a stomach issue. (My one post - "best of times, worst of times" under breeding - is my journey with this)

08-28-2011, 11:25 PM
If could complete this questionnaire it would help us to know what your current conditions are, what you're currently treating, etc:

It might be that you aren't using enough Epsom salt to reduce the bloat, and I've personally seen Acriflavin work on head standers, but it would be much easier to assist once we have more info from the link above.


08-29-2011, 03:12 PM
I recently cured a case of headstanding with Kanamycin, but only temporarily. I used .75 tsp of kanamycin powder per 10gal.
The kanamycin was the purest kind that Jehmco sells.
The fish stopped headstanding within 20hrs of adding the med to the water and the headstanding returned 6 days after the last dose was added. I treated for 10 days.

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08-29-2011, 05:27 PM
Kanamycin is the treatment of choice, but if this has been going on for a month it's likely hopeless. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Good luck if you decide to treat.

08-29-2011, 07:38 PM
Yeah kanamycin is absorbed through the skin so they don't have to eat it but like alluded to above you should not do more than 3 courses in a row or else it can do kidney damage.