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08-31-2011, 07:13 AM
I have doubled my juvies... I now have eight little discus in my tank! YEAH! ;)

But how much more should I be feeding them?

My Schedule with 4 juvies:
1 lg pinch Super Color @8am
4 autofeeder dumps Prime Reef throughout the day
1 BH cube @5PM
[50%DWC @ 6:30PMish]

Now with 4 more fish, just add another BH? The bottom of my tank is always clean from either the discus or the 6x baby sterbai (who look very pump).

09-02-2011, 08:26 PM
the question is are double you wc too? Most common feeding BH is very best time before wc :)

09-06-2011, 03:16 PM
I think it depends on the size of the discus. Mine were all 4" when I got them, so I have no idea how much a smaller discus might eat at night, but if yours are close to that 4" mark I can tell you that mine were consuming about 1/2 of a cube each.

I had five in the tank, so at each feeding I'd give them one cube and walk away for 30 minutes while they zoomed around and gobbled it down. Then I'd feed another cube and walk away again. The final feeding was 1/2 a cube and a liberal sprinkling of either Al's FDBW or more flakes.

Once they'd filled up on that final feeding I'd do my 60% WC and they were done for the night. Total feeding time was 1 1/2 hours and then 40 minutes for the WC, which coincided nicely with any number of mind numbing TV shows to keep me occupied.

To this day my husband queues up a program on tv at 9pm and then puts it on pause....waiting for me to jump up and go get my siphon started.

09-10-2011, 08:30 PM
Still unsure; so any help is good. I've upped the BH to 3 cubes a day. No BH morsel is wasted, all eaten.

Should I just up the portion until they start leaving BH behind?

09-10-2011, 08:33 PM
Yes I'm doing sufficient daily WC for my fish & tank (as per my other thread)

Maria Ashton
09-19-2011, 03:53 AM
Can I ask what kind of filtration you have on your tank? I have a 450L or 113G tank with 13 discus of all sizes and I feed them BH three times a day ( its a mix so not pure BH) but the tank seems to get polluted quickly. I also give granules, they wont eat flake but interestingly will try the floor tablets which I put in for the plecos

09-19-2011, 10:35 AM
I am using a small tank, my local breeder suggested a 20g bc he thinks they don't "run around the tank burning off calories." Figure as long as water quality is ok, I might as well try it.

I have a 75g hob bio wheel and a large breeder sponge filter. I will upgrade the hob to my 150g g6 filter thats just sitting around.