View Full Version : blood worm and brine shrimp?

09-03-2011, 11:53 AM
getting what i need to know about my first discus tank.... i know blood worm is an overall wonder food and want to vary the diet with brine shrimp and am wondering if its worth it to hatch my own or just buy the dryed ones?

09-03-2011, 12:09 PM
Brine shrimp is not a good food for grown-out discus except very, very occasionally. Bloodworms are like candy, discus love them. But you should vary the diet with freeze-dried blackworms (get them mail-order from aquaticsuppliers.com, they're sold by Al, who runs this online community and they are fabulous food), high-quality pellets (pre-soaked for a few minutes to soften them) and high-quality flake, as well as many if not most discus owners use beefheart in some form. Check around the forum for recipes, or try buying beefheart flake mail-order through angelsplus.com

09-03-2011, 12:35 PM
give them as many different kinds of food that you can find. flake frozen dryed live anything. except tubifex.