View Full Version : SoCal-8 Wilds from Discus Hans/Hudson

09-05-2011, 02:02 AM

4 x 5" Special Red Alenquers @ $80.00 each
4 x 6-7" NICE Special Red Alenquers $100.00 each

Originally purchased for a whole hell of a lot more LOL
I am taking a break from the hobby and these guys need a good home. They eat Al's Freeze Dried black worms, and live California Black Worms.

Here is a link to a video of them from today.


The tank is kind of dark- water is tea stained with Kents blackwater expert, and the lighting is very low... So in the video I had to use the light on the camera phone I was using... Kind of made them spook and school together a bit but you get the idea of what they look like. They're in 100% tap water right now, but their colors really shine in softer more appropriate water for wilds.

Pm if interested.
Or email MSFolkerts@gmail.com

This is someones chance to get some quality wilds at a fraction of the price they usually sell for, and you wont pay shipping expenses! Local pick up only (San Diego) or if you live anywhere between San Diego and Orange County, delivery can be arranged for a fee.


09-05-2011, 02:05 AM
Forgot to mention...

There's some nice center bar action going on in a couple of these guys. And I also forgot to mention there are two domestics being housed with them in their 125g that you can see in the video... Those are for sale also.

09-05-2011, 02:10 AM
let me know when you decide to ship them.
Love to have all of them.

09-05-2011, 02:13 AM
Thank you.

Hopefully they'll have a new home before the next water change, LOL

Second Hand Pat
09-05-2011, 08:43 AM
Melissa, really sorry to see you taking a break but someone will get a heck of a deal. Hope you will be hanging around some.

Keith Perkins
09-05-2011, 09:19 AM
:( Sorry to see this thread. :(

09-05-2011, 12:47 PM
Maybe it will make you guys feel better to know it's VERY temporary ;) we are trying for baby number 3 and I'm just clearing my plate so to speak.... Having a 1 1/2 yr old and a 3 yr old and then having another one is going to be quite a challenge! But hell, I've raised hundreds of discus fry before, how hard can having another baby really be right?!? LOL!!

09-05-2011, 12:59 PM
Even though you will be otherwise occupied for awhile :):) please check in with us once in awhile and let us know how things are going in your life. And see you back with discus when you can! Once you have the discus bug it is usually for life, you know.

Second Hand Pat
09-05-2011, 01:40 PM
Maybe it will make you guys feel better to know it's VERY temporary ;) we are trying for baby number 3 and I'm just clearing my plate so to speak.... Having a 1 1/2 yr old and a 3 yr old and then having another one is going to be quite a challenge! But hell, I've raised hundreds of discus fry before, how hard can having another baby really be right?!? LOL!!

That is great to hear about being VERY temporary and also a future congrats to the third little one (I know, a little early). A set of wise parents once said to me that all is good until they outnumber you then all heck breaks loose. :)

09-05-2011, 02:45 PM
Maybe it will make you guys feel better to know it's VERY temporary ;) we are trying for baby number 3 and I'm just clearing my plate so to speak.... Having a 1 1/2 yr old and a 3 yr old and then having another one is going to be quite a challenge! But hell, I've raised hundreds of discus fry before, how hard can having another baby really be right?!? LOL!!

Trying for a third???? I am dealing with my first and he is 5 weeks today and I am about to pull my hair out. Good luck with your sale I have always kept track of your threads and you do have some very nice fish. At that price someone will be very lucky!!!!

09-05-2011, 09:46 PM
Aw thanks ZX!

At 5 wks old babies are pretty challenging! It will get easier, and fast too! I miss my babies how they were when they were first born! LOL congratulations on your 5 wk old :) :) :) one day at a time brother! Lol

09-05-2011, 09:51 PM
Even though you will be otherwise occupied for awhile :):) please check in with us once in awhile and let us know how things are going in your life. And see you back with discus when you can! Once you have the discus bug it is usually for life, you know.
I will be back soon Barb! Discus have me by the heart for sure.
I'm thinking after the first trimester, when the fatigue and morning sickness go away I may get a small group to enjoy looking at in the 125g. And a rare thing for me.... I'll be sure to buy adults so there won't be any crazy WC schedule to contend with. I don't want to put this group of wilds through any neglect, so I hope to find them a new home soon.

That is great to hear about being VERY temporary and also a future congrats to the third little one (I know, a little early). A set of wise parents once said to me that all is good until they outnumber you then all heck breaks loose. :)
Haha thanks Pat my lady!
Yeah, a 3rd is a game changer for sure... With two we are man-to-man.... With 3 we'll have to play a little zone defense...

09-06-2011, 01:00 AM
Wow Melissa! Sorry to see you taking a break, but it is for a very good reason. Good luck with the sale and remember practice makes perfect. So practice, practice, practice for number three and I am sure you will get it right. :p


Sean Buehrle
09-06-2011, 06:30 AM
If you don't sell them here put them on aquabid or eBay, they will sell.

Local fish club websites are a good place too.

Good luck Melissa :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

09-06-2011, 10:53 AM
Yeah, a 3rd is a game changer for sure... With two we are man-to-man.... With 3 we'll have to play a little zone defense...

What a great reason for having to cut back on discus for awhile! =)

About that 3rd child thing. Totally a lie that it's harder than raising two of the little critters. That's a story we old timers tell to young parents just well, just cuz we can and we like seeing looks of horror on their faces. LOL

When the third baby comes along it all gets easier....trust me on this. You've already had time to work out the kinks on "the practice child" (yep, that's what I told my first born whenever he complained about my parenting skills or lack thereof). The second kid has already been broken in and conditioned to accept hand me downs and leftovers, and won't complain about being boxed in from both sides by attention-seeking-practice-child and attention demanding baby-of-the-family.

The only new issues to deal with are the tendency to spend too much time negotiating for peace on behalf of your youngest child and tending to forget to take your middle child seriously because he's just so darned amiable and easy going that you don't realize he feels left out of all the attention that "practice-child" and "baby of the family" get.

I'd wish you luck and tell you to have fun over the next month or two, but I have a feeling you don't need any excuses to "have fun" right now. Here's to kids... cute little buggers that they are. =)

09-06-2011, 11:11 AM
Wow Melissa! Sorry to see you taking a break, but it is for a very good reason. Good luck with the sale and remember practice makes perfect. So practice, practice, practice for number three and I am sure you will get it right. :p

LMAO ohh Mishka Mishka Mishka.... ;)

If you don't sell them here put them on aquabid or eBay, they will sell.

Local fish club websites are a good place too.

Good luck Melissa :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Thanks for the tip Sean! :) :) :)

What a great reason for having to cut back on discus for awhile! =)

About that 3rd child thing. Totally a lie that it's harder than raising two of the little critters. That's a story we old timers tell to young parents just well, just cuz we can and we like seeing looks of horror on their faces. LOL

When the third baby comes along it all gets easier....trust me on this. You've already had time to work out the kinks on "the practice child" (yep, that's what I told my first born whenever he complained about my parenting skills or lack thereof). The second kid has already been broken in and conditioned to accept hand me downs and leftovers, and won't complain about being boxed in from both sides by attention-seeking-practice-child and attention demanding baby-of-the-family.

The only new issues to deal with are the tendency to spend too much time negotiating for peace on behalf of your youngest child and tending to forget to take your middle child seriously because he's just so darned amiable and easy going that you don't realize he feels left out of all the attention that "practice-child" and "baby of the family" get.

I'd wish you luck and tell you to have fun over the next month or two, but I have a feeling you don't need any excuses to "have fun" right now. Here's to kids... cute little buggers that they are. =)

Hehehe! Your post made me smile lady! :D! I was the middle child between two other girls, it can be the pits to be ignored a little too often because the oldest and youngest get all of the attention, but sometimes I learned to appreciate them not paying very close attention! LOL thanks for your post.

09-07-2011, 06:40 PM

09-07-2011, 10:44 PM
LOL Be Careful!! My wife and I decided to "Try for another " 8 years ago. I'm now the 47 year old father on 7 year ago TWINS lol. I just sent my oldest off to college and I keep thinking Man I could be done!!

09-08-2011, 07:04 AM
LOL Be Careful!! My wife and I decided to "Try for another " 8 years ago. I'm now the 47 year old father on 7 year ago TWINS lol. I just sent my oldest off to college and I keep thinking Man I could be done!!

Don't have another one. :-)

09-10-2011, 01:32 PM

09-11-2011, 08:05 PM
Maybe it will make you guys feel better to know it's VERY temporary ;) we are trying for baby number 3 and I'm just clearing my plate so to speak.... Having a 1 1/2 yr old and a 3 yr old and then having another one is going to be quite a challenge! But hell, I've raised hundreds of discus fry before, how hard can having another baby really be right?!? LOL!!

Those discus don't require college... pheeeew, it's a good thing

Darrell Ward
09-11-2011, 08:52 PM
I love my kids, (yeah we also had 3), but I swear I like it much better now that they are grown and on their own! I would love to have those fish, especially since no one is bringing in Hudson's fish anymore. Too bad they are on the left side of the country.

09-19-2011, 11:22 PM
Bump :)

There was a huge power outage in all of San Diego a couple of weeks ago, and I noticed some flicking and rubbing on airline a day or two after that so I've done a few good PP treatments on this group the past few days.

2 quick pics from my phone from tonight.


09-19-2011, 11:54 PM
I am shocked you have not sold these yet.

Second Hand Pat
09-19-2011, 11:59 PM
Sean, me too. Have an idea Melissa, move to this end of the country and Darrell and I will take them off your hands. BTW they are beautiful.

09-20-2011, 12:32 AM
Im kind of surprised nobody has snatched them up yet too. :P

Not much interest in wilds in the San Diego area i guess.

Darrell Ward
09-20-2011, 12:49 AM
Yeah, those fish from that particular area are right now impossible to get in the US. No one is importing them here. If they were, people in the hobby would have heard about it, from Hudson himself, and others. They are rare indeed.

09-20-2011, 04:39 PM
Phew! Sold pending pick up :)

09-20-2011, 04:43 PM
Congrats...If they don't pick 'em up, ship the buggar's to me; they'll make it...Gary

09-20-2011, 08:24 PM

Were they the last to go? Are you officially going to be without discus once they leave the house?
