View Full Version : Darkly Devilish Dexter

09-06-2011, 12:18 PM
Well, Dexter-- he of the five-month hospital tank stay-- has been in the Big New 125 gallon tank with tankmates since Sunday. He is eating well (but doesn't like bloodworms, so he gets his beloved NLS pellets much of the time), and appears very comfortable -- he is even bossing around the pigeon blood that was the previous king of the tank. But he remains dark. No sign of visible illness-- there is a small scrape on one side that is a clean scrape, no sign of infection (the male red turq, you might notice, also picked up a couple of those in transit from the old tank, but also shows no visible infection signs).
I am hoping the darkness is just overall mood indicator and will fade. The new tank is almost entirely brand new water, and I think whatever pathogens may have been in the old tank that the other inhabitants are used to will not have transferred in very high amounts-- or am hoping they won't have.

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Second Hand Pat
09-06-2011, 12:27 PM
Judy, I'm guessing he will brighten up in a couple of days. Big new tank with companions is a big adjustment for him.

09-06-2011, 12:48 PM
Maybe that's why he's being so darn assertive. not super-aggressive, just giving them "hey, bugger off thataway, goober, this is my space" light, but firm pokes.

Second Hand Pat
09-06-2011, 12:52 PM
Just claiming his space, :) if he doesn't someone else will.

09-06-2011, 03:00 PM
Five months of living alone and being king of your own home will do that to ya. Just take a good look at my husband if you need further proof. (A long story for another time..lol)

Dex looks great, other than being dark! Once he's established himself with the gang I'll bet he colors back up quickly. Great job with this poor little guy btw. It's been a real learning experience for the rest of to follow his ups, downs and overall progress over the months.

09-06-2011, 08:39 PM
Maybe he's his own dark passenger.I'm assuming your a fan of the show,otherwise I look like an idiot,lol.

09-06-2011, 10:00 PM
oh, I am indeed-- that's why he's named Dexter!

09-06-2011, 11:15 PM
Rock on!Love the series,read most of the books.Was a fan of his from six-feet-under.

09-07-2011, 10:33 AM
me, too. glad he came through the cancer. Dexter was so named because the channel I got it on cancelled it. I have not seen the fifth season and will buy it on DVD for a marathon watching session.
Meanwhile the finned Dexter did come up with a couple of those silver grey film in small patches that he's had before when inadvertently exposed toa bit of the tank water, yesterday afternoon. I decided to treat the whole tank with API Fungus Cure, which dealt with it before (acriflavine and malachite green). The pigeon bloods had spawned a few days before tha tank change and their eggs fungused up dramatically. Dex is looking better this AM. Will have to watch water parameters now very carefully; the acriflavine is supposed to leave the biofilter intact, but the MG will put a dent in it almost certainly...

10-18-2011, 12:22 AM
Judy, I just wanted to say I have read every single post about Dexter and want to thank you for sharing everything you learned from Eddie and Jeff. I currently have a few sick Discus and am beside myself as well. Now I have hope they will all pull through, (perhaps I should say WE will all pull through!) using many of the same methods/meds you used.
Thanks for your diligence in posting and for caring enough to save a little guy who was down on his luck!
Best of luck to you and all your finned friends. :angel: