View Full Version : Bitemarks and buises normal?? (VIDEO)

09-10-2011, 08:53 AM
Hi guys!
I have young discus that has started to making pairs.
Today they have all been fighting like mad in the tank.. and these two (the pair) blend lovemaking and cleaning the window with some seriouse intesive fighting!!

One of the fishes show dark bitemarks on the face, marks on the sides and fenses are messed upp. Other fishes show signs on sides and fenses.

Is this normal? What is happening? ^^


09-10-2011, 08:56 AM
Normal cichlid behavior..Gary

09-10-2011, 08:58 AM
What size is your tank and how many discus in it, to start off with.

09-10-2011, 09:10 AM
I moved my discus from my big planted tank to this smaller one when i was medicating, to make it easier. Its just 150 liter and theres 8 discus. So its a bit crowded.
As they got better from the sickness ive been hesitating to move them back to the planted tank since they are all acting like they love it in the tank!
This fighting started when two of the fishes started becoming mature and getting ready to spawn i think.

09-10-2011, 10:20 AM
Well, there is the problem. Spawning pair in way too small a tank with too many discus. Your tank is big enough for one spawning pair. Move the 6 back to your big tank and let the couple have the small tank to themselves and their fry. Good luck!