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View Full Version : All right Forrest, fess up!!!!!

09-13-2011, 11:34 PM
Just WHAT do you do to your fish that makes them so danged determined to spawn the SECOND they get out of the bag????!!!!!

First off, your fish are simply second to none. I continue to be impressed with the quality, health and overall beauty of every single discus I've seen of yours. Last year I picked up a pair of redcover throwbacks and right out of the gate they also were dead set on spawning. Unfortunately, I lost the male along with all the rest of my domestics, but the female survived and has been thriving with my wilds. A couple of weeks ago, I picked up a pair of your cuips from April. Here's what their "schedule" has been so far:

Saturday, Aug 13 - picked up adult pair from April. They were guarding 2 day old eggs in her tank
Saturday, Aug 13 - as soon as female went into my tank at home, she released 5 or 6 eggs
Sunday, Aug 14 - spawning on cone
Tuesday, Aug 16 - eggs rotted
Saturday, Aug 20 - following a large w/c, spawned again
Sunday, Aug 21 - eggs gone
Friday, Aug 26 - spawned 4th time in two weeks
Monday, August 29 - more eggs on cone following large w/c - eggs were eaten
Thursday, September 8th and a new spawning with TONS of nice bright red eggs - rotten eggs again
Tuesday, September 13th - spawning number SEVEN in ONE MONTH!!!!

Took a video of them from this evening. Please don't ask me how/why I can keep a crayfish and odessa barbs happy in 86 degree water ;) Sorry the video is so dark; I didn't want to disturb them so only the LEDs are on.


This is a another video of them with the gang from a couple of weeks ago


Thank you so much for what you bring to this hobby. From day one, the cuips were healthy and easily assumed their place at the top of the pecking order amongst some VERY large wilds. They will eat ANYTHING put in the tank from freeze dried blackworms, shrimp, flakes, bloodworms, pellets, to algae wafers for the plecos.

You, sir, are a true master. Thank you, thank you, thank you :)

09-14-2011, 10:00 AM
Hey Shelley.....when can I come and see yr discus and the dogs.hehehe.

09-14-2011, 02:32 PM
Hey Francis - Ember the guard dog is pretty good at not letting people in ;)

09-15-2011, 06:07 AM
well done very nice your tank looks good love your fish i would love some wilds

09-19-2011, 01:40 PM
Thanks so much - I appreciate that :) Yeah, I sure do love my wilds. Not the easiest beasties to settle in, but once they do they are tough as nails.

09-19-2011, 11:30 PM
Hey Shelley....bring Ember to April's place for grooming then I can sneak in and have a look at yr discus.

Hey Francis - Ember the guard dog is pretty good at not letting people in ;)

10-04-2011, 01:28 AM
I have wigglers!!!!!!! I was starting to think the male didn't quite understand his part in the whole spawning thing, but I guess he just needed the previous nine attempts as practice ;)

The cuips spawned on Thursday and again on Saturday. This evening, with my super high-powered old granny reading glasses, I saw tiny, little wigglers on a piece of driftwood. And of course, the cuips are being super attentive, protective parents. This is pretty exciting for me. Although I've had a lot of discus lay eggs, even a heckel, I've never had eggs make it to the wiggler stage. These fish are amazing. Thanks, again, Forrest :)

Hey, Francis - here's the deal: if the wigglers manage to attach, I'll have you over to celebrate - I'll even throw my vicious watchdog out on the bacony ;)

11-18-2011, 06:09 AM
hi Embersmom,
my apologies i ve missed this post...lol..i always do....
the reason why the fishes spawns once they r out of their bags...no other reason..it is bcos.....I CARE...

i dont post in my section too often, thx a lot for posting the pictures n making it looks better, i wish u all the best.

best rgds,

11-18-2011, 09:38 AM
Very nice fish you got there. Congrats! How large is your tank and how many discus do you have in there?