View Full Version : Prazipro almost took out my stendkers

09-25-2011, 12:48 PM
I had been using prazipro for 3 weeks to treat for gill flukes with positive effects and no negative responses at all. I then let the tank rest for 1 week and went to start another 7 day treatment to knock out any new flukes from eggs that were there.

So this morning I did my first (of 2) daily 95% water changes with safe, shook the prazipro bottle and added 3 tsp to my 55 gallon growout tank and turned up my 2 sponge filters for more O2. I then took my daughter out to breakfast and came home an hour later to 7 stendker alenquers lying flat on the bottom shedding all their slime coat. The 6 smaller mutt pigeons, 4 starlight plecos seemed unaffected.

I immediately drained the tank and refilled it with treated fresh water and methylene blue (left my main filters off so not to kill my bio with the mb) to help with breathing for an hour then I drained that water completely and refilled with fresh treated water and added 1 tbs of salt per 10 gallons. The fish look like they will make it but all the stendkers completely shedded their slime coats.

So I guess the point of this post is if you use a medicine even a safe one you are used to using still be cautious. I know there is a sticky on this but this is the first I ever had issues with prazipro.